Henry Gray (1825–1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
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Tunics of eyeball, 1005. Tunnel of Corti, 1057. Turbinated bone, 169. processes, sphenoidal, 152. Turner, intraparietal sulcus of, 822. Twelfth nerve, 914. Tympanic antrum, 142. artery, 560. from ascending pharyngeal, 558. from internal maxillary 560. canaliculus, inferior, 144, 181. cavity, 1037. arteries of, 1046. attic or epitympanic recess of, 1038. carotid or anterior wall of, 1042. jugular wall or floor of, 1038. labyrinthic or median wall of, 1040. mastoid or posterior wall of, 1042. membranous or lateral wall of, 1038. mucous membrane of, 1046. muscles of, 1046. nerves of, 1046. ossicles of, 1044. tegmental wall or roof of, 1038. vessels of, 1046. lip, 1055. membrane, 1039. nerve (Jacobson’s), 909, 1047. plexus, 909, 1047. ring, 146. sulcus, 145, 1037, 1039. Tympanohyal part of styloid process, 145. Tympanomastoid fissure, 144, 181. Tympanum, 1037. U Ulna, 214. articulations of, 219. coronoid process of, 214. radial notch of, 215. semilunar notch of, 215. sigmoid cavities of, 215. styloid process of, 218. surface anatomy of, 1326. Ulnar artery, 595. surface marking of, 1335. notch of radius, 220. Ultimobranchial bodies, 1273. Umbilical arteries in fetus, 61, 540. cord, 57. folds, 1231. fossa of liver, 1191. notch of liver, 1191. veins, 61, 507, 519. obliterated, 681, 1150. zone, 1148, 1149. Umbilicus, 417. Umbo of membrana tympani, 1039. Unciform bone, 227. Uncinate fasciculus, 843. Unconscious muscle sense, impulses of, 851. Uncus, 826. Ungual phalanges, 230, 275. Ungues, 1066. Urachus, 1213. Ureter, 1225. arteries of, 1227. lymphatic vessels of, 712. muscles of, 1233. Ureter, nerves of, 1227. orifices of, 1232. Urethra, development of, 1215. female, 1236. male, 1234. crest or verumontanum of, 1234. lymphatic vessels of, 713. muliebris, 1236. virilis, 1234. Urethral artery, 619. bulb, 1235. crest, in female, 1236. in male, 1234. glands, 1235. orifices, 1232, 1235, 1266. plate, 1215. Urinary bladder, female, 1230. lymphatic capillaries in, 687. male, 1227. meatus, 1266. organs, 1215. Urogenital apparatus, 1204. diaphragm, 428. fold, 1206. organs, 1204. ostium, primitive, 1215. Urorectal septum, 1109. Uterine artery, 615. glands, 1262. plexus of nerves, 989. plexuses of veins, 676. tube, 1257. Uterosacral ligaments, 1260. Uterus, 1258. in adult, 1262. after parturition, 1262. cervix of, 1259. development of, 1207. during menstruation, 1262. pregnancy, 1262. in fetus, 1261. form, size, and situation of, 1261. fundus of, 1259. interior of, 1260. isthmus of, 1259. ligaments of, 1260. lymphatic capillaries of, 687. vessels of, 714. masculinus, or prostatic utricle, 1234, 1235. nerves of, 1263. in old age, 1262. at puberty, 1261. virgin state of, 1259. Utricle, prostatic, 1234. of vestibule, 1051. Utriculus, 1051. Uvea, 1013. Uvula of cerebellum, 791. palatine, 1112. vermis, 791. vesicæ, 1232. Uvular lobe, 791. V Vagina, 1264. lymphatic vessels of, 714. Vaginæ mucosæ, 283. Vaginal artery, 616. bulb, 1266. orifice, 1266. plexus of nerves, 989. plexuses of veins, 677. process of temporal bone, 144, 145. processes of sphenoid bone, 151. Vagus nerve, 910. composition and central connections of, 855. sympathetic afferent fibers, 973. efferent fibers of, 972. Vallecula cerebelli, 788. Valleculæ of tongue, 1075. Vallum, 1126. Valsalva, sinuses of, 533, 534. Valve, bicuspid, 534. colic, 1179. of coronary sinus, 530, 642. Eustachian, 530. ileocecal, 1179. of inferior vena cava, 530, 678. mitral, 534. pyloric, 1164. Thebesian, 530, 642. tricuspid, 531. of Vieussens, 793. Valves, anal, 1184. of heart, development of, 514. of Houston, 1183. of Kerkring, 1173. of lymphatics, 687. right and left venous, 510. semilunar aortic, 534. pulmonary, 532. of veins, 501. Valvulabicuspidalis [metralis], 534. coli, 1179. sinus coronarii [Thebesii], 531. tricuspidalis, 531. venæ cavæ inferioris, 530. Valvulæ conniventes, 1173. Vas aberrans of Haller, 1246. deferens, 1245. spirale, 1056. Vasa aberrantia [from brachial artery], 590. brevia arteries, 606. intestini tenuis arteries, 607. vasorum [arteries], 499. [veins], 502. Vascular areas of yolk-sac, 505. capsule of lens, 1003. system, changes in, at birth, 542. development of, 505. peculiarities in fetus, 539. Vasomotor nerve fibers, 728. Vastus externus muscle, 470. intermedius muscle, 471. internus muscle, 471. lateralis muscle, 470. medialis muscle, 471. Vater, ampulla of, 1199.