Henry Gray (1825–1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
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Temporal arteries, 558, 561. bone, 138. articulations of, 147. mastoid portion of, 141. ossification of, 145. petrous portion of, 142. pyramid of, 142. squama of, 139. structure of, 145. tympanic part of, 145. fascia, 386. fossa, 183. gyri, 824. lines, 134, 136, 178, 183. lobe, 823. muscle, 386. nerves of auriculotemporal, 895. deep, 895. of facial, 905. operculum, 825. process of zygomatic bone, 166. veins, 645. Temporalis muscle, 386. Temporary teeth, 1118. Temporomalar nerve, 889. Temporomandibular articulation, 297. surface anatomy of, 1288. Temporomaxillary vein, 646. Tendinous arch of pelvic fascia, 422. inscriptions of rectus abdominis muscle, 416. Tendo Achillis, 483. calcaneus, 483. oculi, 468. Tendon, action of muscle pull on, 364. central, of diaphragm, 406. conjoined, of internal oblique and transversalis muscles, 414. of conus arteriosus, 531. superior, of Lockwood, 1022. of Zinn, 1022. Tendons, 376. on back of wrist, relations of, 458. Tendril fibers of cerebellum, 796. Tenon, capsule of, 1037. Tensor fasciæ latæ muscles, actions of, 478. nerves of, 478. palati muscle, 1139. tarsi muscle, 380. tympani muscle, 1046. semicanal for, 145, 1042. veli palatini muscle, 1139. Tenth nerve, 910. Tentorial sinus, 655. Tentorium cerebelli, 874. Teres major muscle, 442. minor muscle, 441. variations of, 442. Terminal crest of right atrium, 529. sulcus of right atrium, 529. vein, 653. ventricle, 735, 754. Testes, 1236, 1240. appendages of, 1242. coni vasculosi of, 1244. coverings of, 1236. descent of, 1210. development of, 1210. ductuli efferentes, 1244. ductus deferens, 1245. gubernaculum testis, 1211. lobules of, 1243. lymphatic capillaries of, 687. vessels of, 713. mediastinum testis, 1243. rete testis, 1244. structure of, 1243. tubuli recti, 1244. seminiferi, 1243. tunica albuginea, 1242. vaginalis, 1242. vasculosa, 1242. Thalamencephalon, 808. Thalami, 742, 808. connections of, 810. development of, 742. Thalami, intermediate mass of, 742, 743, 809. stalks of, 811. structure of, 810. surfaces of, 808, 809. Thalamic tract of cranial nerves, 805. Thalamomammillary fasciculus, 839. Thebesius, foramina of, 530. valve of, 530, 642. veins of, 643. Thenar eminence, 456. Thigh bone, 242. fascia lata of, 468. superficial, 468. muscles of, 467. Third cuneiform bone, 271. metacarpal bone, 228. metatarsal bone, 274. nerve, 884. trochanter, 246. ventricle of brain, 815. Thoracic aorta, 598. peculiarities of, 599. arteries, 587, 588. axis, 588. cardiac nerves, 912. duct, 690. nerves, divisions of, 923, 944. portion of gangliated cord, 981. vertebræ, 102. Thoracoacromial artery, 588. Thoracodorsal nerve, 934. Thoracoepigastric vein, 670. Thoracolumbar sympathetics, 974. Thorax, 117. boundaries of, 117. cavity of, 524. lymph glands of, 715. lymphatic vessels of, 715, 716. mechanism of, 304. muscles of, 402. openings of, 117, 118, 524. parts passing through, 524. skeleton of, 117. surface anatomy of, 1307. markings of, 1308. Thromboplastin, 505. Thumb, carpometacarpal articulation of, 330. Thymus, 1273. development of, 1273. glands, 1273. lymphatic capillaries in, 686. vessels of, 719. nerves of, 1275. structure of, 1274. vessels of, 1275. Thyreoarytænoideus muscle, 1083. Thyreohyoideus muscle, 394. action of, 394. nerves of, 394, 916. Thyreoidea ima artery, 549. Thyroarytenoid ligaments, 1080. muscle, 1083. Thyrocervical trunk, 581. Thyroepiglottic ligament, 1078. muscle, 1083. Thyroglossal duct, 1126. Thyrohyals of hyoid bone, 178. Thyrohyoid ligaments, 1077. membrane, 1076. muscle, 394. Thyroid arteries, 552, 581. axis, 581. body, 1269. cartilage, 1073. foramen, 237. gland, 1269. development of, 1270. isthmus of, 1270. lobes of, 1269. lymphatic capillaries in, 686. Thyroid gland, lymphatic vessels of, 697. nerves of, 1271. pyramidal lobe of, 1270. structure of, 1271. vessels of, 1271. notch, superior, 1073. veins, 649, 666. Thyroids, accessory, 1270. Tibia, 256. condyles of, 256. ossification of, 260. spine of, 256. surface anatomy of, 1337. tuberosity of, 256. Tibial artery, anterior, 634. branches of, 635. peculiarities of, 635. surface marking of, 1337. posterior, 637. branches of, 638. peculiarities of, 638. surface marking of, 1346. recurrent, 635. collateral ligament of knee-joint, 341. nerve, 960. anterior, 965. surfaces of femur, 248. veins, 672. Tibialis anterior muscle, 480. anticus muscle, 480. posterior muscle, 485. Tibiofacialis muscle, 480. Tibiofibular articulation, 348. ligament, middle, 348. syndesmosis, 348. Tibionavicular ligament, 350. Tibiotarsal articulation, 349. Tomes’ fibers, 1119. Tongue, 1125. development of, 1102. dorsum of, 1125. frenulum of, 1125. glands of, 1131. lymph gland of, 696. lymphatic vessels of, 696. mucous membrane of, 1131. muscles of, 1128. actions of, 1131. nerves of, 1132. papillæ of, 1126. septum of, 1132. structure of, 1131. vessels of, 1132. Tonsilla cerebelli, 791. Tonsillæ intestinales, 1176. polatinæ, 1137. Tonsillar artery, 555. nerves from glossopharyngeal, 909. sinus, 1138. Tonsils, 1137. lingual, 1131. palatine, 1137. development of, 1103. lymphatic vessels of, 695. nerves of, 1139. structure of, 1139. vessels of, 1139. pharyngeal, 1142. Torcular Herophili, 131, 658. Torus of auditory tube, 1141. uretericus, 1232. uterinus, 1154. Touch fibers, 854. Trabeculæ carneæ 532, 535. cranii, 84. of penis, 1250. of spleen, 1283. of testis, 1243. Trachea, 1084. lymphatic capillaries in, 686. nerves of, 1087. relations of, 1084. structure of, 1086. vessels of, 1087.