Henry Gray (1825–1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
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Lockwood, tendon of, 1022. Locus cæruleus, 800. Loewenthal’s tract, 872. Long bones, 79. buccal nerve, 895. calcaneocuboid ligament, 354. ciliary nerves, 888. external lateral ligament, 341. or internal saphenous nerve, 956. root of ciliary ganglion, 888. saphenous nerve, 956. vein, 669. subscapular nerve, 934. thoracic artery, 588. nerve, 933. Longissimus capitis muscle, 399. cervicis muscle, 399. dorsi muscle, 399. Longitudinal fasciculus, inferior, 844. posterior, 803. superior, 844. fissure, cerebral, 818. great, 818. of liver, 1191. sinuses, 654, 655. striæ, lateral and medial, 827. sulci of heart, 527. Longitudinalis linguæ inferior muscle, 1130. superior muscle, 1130. Longus capitis muscle, 349. actions of, 396. nerves of, 395. colli muscle, 394. action of, 396. nerves of, 396. Loop of Henle, 1223. Lower extremity, arteries of, 623. articulations of, 333. bones of, 231. lymphatic glands of, 701. vessels of, 701. muscles of, 465. surface anatomy of, 1336. markings of, 1342. veins of, 669. jaw, bones of, 172. lateral cartilage, 993. visual centers, 814. Lower, tubercle of, 531. Lumbar aponeurosis, 397. arteries, 612. enlargement of medulla spinalis, 752. fascia, 397. lymph glands, 705. nerves, anterior, 948. posterior, 924. plexus of nerves, 949. regions of abdomen, 1149. triangle, 434. vein, ascending, 667, 678. veins, 678. vertebræ, 104. Lumbocostal arch, 404. Lumbodorsal fascia, 397. Lumbosacral plexus, 948. trunk, 948. Lumbricales muscles of foot, 493. actions of, 496. nerves of, 495. variations of, 493. of hand, 464. actions of, 465. nerves of, 465. variations of, 464. Lunate bone, 224. surface of acetabulum, 237. Lung-buds, 1071. Lungs, 1093. development of, 1071. fissures and lobes of, 1096. nerves of, 1100. root of, 1097. Lungs, structure of, 1098. surface markings of, 1310. vessels of, 1100. Lunulæ of nails, 1066. of semilunar valves, 533. Luschka, foramina of, 877. gland of, 1281. Luys, nucleus of, 812. Lymph Gland or Glands of abdomen, 703. aortic, 705. auricular, 693. axillary, 699. buccinator, 694. cervical, 697. of Cloquet, 703. deltoideopectoral, 699. diaphragmatic, 715. epigastric, 704. of face, 692. facial, 694. gastric, 706. gastroepiploic, right, 706. of head, 692. hepatic, 706. hypogastric, 704. iliac, 703, 704. ileocolic, 709. infraorbital, 694. inguinal, 702. intercostal, 715. internal mammary, 715. lingual, 694. of lower extremity, 701. lumbar, 705. mastoid, 693. maxillary, 694. mediastinal, 717. mesenteric, 709, 710. mesocolic, 709. of neck, 697. obturator, 704. occipital, 692. pancreaticoduodenal, 710. pancreaticolineal, 706. pararectal, 710. paratracheal, 697. parietal, 703. parotid, 693. of pelvis, 703. popliteal, 701. preauricular, 693. retropharyngeal, 694. of Rosenmüller, 703. sacral, 704. splenic, 706. Stahr, middle gland of, 697. sternal, 715. structure of, 688. subinguinal, 702. submaxillary, 697. submental, 697. suprahyoid, 697. supramandibular, 694. supratrochlear, 699. of thorax, 715. tibial, anterior, 701. of tongue, 696. tracheobronchial, 717. of upper extremity, 699. visceral, of abdomen and pelvis, 706. path, 688. sinus, 689. Lymphatic capillaries, 684. distribution of, 684. duct, right, 691. nodules, aggregated, 1176. solitary, 1176. of spleen, 1285. system, 683. trunks, bronchomediastinal, 691, 692, 717. intestinal, 691. jugular, 691, 692. Lymphatic trunks, lumbar, 691. subclavian, 691, 692. vessels, 687. of abdominal viscera, 710. wall, 706. of anal canal and anus, 711. of auricula and external acoustic meatus, 694. of bladder, 712. of cecum, 710. of colon, 711. of common bile-duct, 711. development of, 768. of diaphragm, 717. of ductus deferens, 713. of duodenum, 710. of esophagus, 719. of external genitals, 706. of face, 695. of gall-bladder, 711. of gluteal region, 703. of heart, 718. of ileum, 710. of jejunum, 710. of kidney, 712. lacteals, 683. of larynx, 698. of liver, 711. of lower extremity, 703. of lungs, 718. of mamma, 715. of mouth, 695. of nasal cavities, 695. of neck, 698. of ovary, 714. of palatine tonsil, 695. of pancreas, 711. of pelvic viscera, 710. of pelvis, 706. of perineum, 706. of pharynx, 698. of pleura, 719. of prostate, 713. of rectum, 711. of reproductive organs, 713. of scalp, 694. of spleen, 711. of stomach, 710. structure of, 687. of suprarenal glands, 711. of testes, 713. of thoracic viscera, 718. wall, 715. of thymus, 719. of thyroid gland, 698. of tongue, 696. of upper extremity, 700. of ureter, 712. of urethra, 713. of urinary organs, 712. of uterine tube, 714. of uterus, 714. of vagina, 714. of vermiform process, 710. of vesiculæ seminales, 713. Lymphocyte, 504. Lymphoglandulæ, 688. auriculares, 693. axillares, 699. cervicales, 697. epigastricæ, 704. faciales profundæ, 694. gastricæ, 706. hepaticæ, 706. hypogastricæ, 704. inguinales, 702. intercostales, 715. linguales, 694. lumbales, 705. mediastinales, 717. mesentericæ, 709. mesocolicæ, 709. occipitales, 692. pancreaticolienales, 706. popliteæ, 701. sternales, 715. subinguinales, 702. submaxillares, 697. tibialis anterior, 701.