Henry Gray (1825–1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
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Dorsalis hallucis artery, 637. linguæ artery, 555. pedis artery, 636. branches of, 637. peculiarities of, 636. relations, 636. surface markings of, 1346. scapulæ artery, 588. Dorsoepitrochlearis brachii muscle, 434. Dorsomedian fissure of medulla oblongata, 767. Dorsum ilii, 232. linguæ, 1125. nasi, 992. sellæ, 147, 190. of tongue, 1125. Douglas, pouch of, 1152. Drum, 1037. Duct or Ducts, accessory pancreatic, 1202. of Bartholin, 1136. of Bellini, 1223. of bulbourethral glands, 1253. cloacal, 1109. common bile, 1198. of Cuvier, 520. cystic, 1198. ejaculatory, 1247. frontonasal, 138. of Gärtner, 1255. hepatic, 1197. lacrimal, 1028. lactiferous, 1268. of liver, 1197. lymphatic, right, 691. Müllerian, 1206. nasolacrimal or nasal, 1029. pancreatic, 1202. parotid, 1134. pronephric, 1205. prostatic, 1253. orifices of, 1234. of Rivinus, 1136. of Santorini, 1202. semicircular, 1052. seminal, 1245. Skene’s, 1213. Stensen’s, 1134. sublingual, 1136. submaxillary, 1135. thoracic, 690. thyroglossal, 1126, 1270. vitelline, 54. Wharton’s, 1135. of Wirsung, 1202. Wolffian, 1205. Ductless glands, 1269. parathyroids, 1271. spleen, 1282. suprarenals, 1278. thymus, 1273. thyroid, 1269. Ductuli aberrantes [testis], 1246. efferentes [testis], 1244. transversi [epoöphoron], 1255. Ductus arteriosus, 540. choledochus, 1198. cochlearis, 1054. cysticus, 1198. deferens, 1245. ampulla of, 1246. structure of, 1246. ejaculatorii, 1247. endolymphaticus, 1048, 1052. hepaticus, 1197. lacrimalis, 1028. longitudinalis epoöphori, 1255. lymphaticus dexter, 691. nasolacrimalis, 1029. pancreaticus [Wirsungi], 1202. Ductus parotideus, 1134. Santorini, 1202. semicirculares, 1052. submaxillaris, 1135. thoracicus, 690. utriculosaccularis, 1052. venosus, 519, 542. development of, 519. fossa for, 1191. obliterated, 681. Duodenal fossæ, 1159. glands, 1176. impression, 1190. Duodenojejunal flexure, 1169. fold, 1159. fossa, 1159. Duodenomesocolic fold, 1159. Duodenopyloric constriction, 1162. Duodenum, 1168. ascending portion, 1169. descending portion, 1169. horizontal portion, 1169. lymphatic vessels of, 710. superior portion, 1169. suspensory muscle of, 1170. vessels and nerves of, 1170. Dura mater, cranial, 872. arteries of, 872. endosteal layer of, 875. meningeal layer of, 875. nerves of, 875. processes of, 873. veins of, 875. encephali, 872. spinal, 875. structure of, 876. spinalis, 875. venous sinuses of, development of, 522. Dural nerve, 911. E Ear, 1029. auricula of, 1033. muscles of, 1035. cartilaginous capsules of, 85. cochlea, 1050. development of, 1029. external, 1033. internal, or labyrinth, 1047. meatus acusticus externus, 1036. membranous labyrinth, 1051. middle, 1037. osseous labyrinth, 1047. pinna of, 1033. semicircular canals of, 1049. tympanic cavity of, 1037. muscles of, 1046. ossicles of, 1044. vessels and nerves of, 1046. vestibule of, 1047. Eberstaller, medial frontal sulcus of, 822. Ectoderm, 47. Ectodermal cloaca, 1109. Efferent nerves, 729. Eighth nerve, 905. Ejaculator urinæ muscle, 428. Ejaculatory ducts, 1247. Elastic fibrocartilage, 282. laminæ of cornea, 1008. membrane of larynx, 1077. Elbow bone, 214. Elbow-joint, 321. anastomoses around, 592. movements of, 322. surface anatomy of, 1328. markings of, 1331. vessels and nerves of, 322. Eleventh nerve, 313. Embryo, form of, at different stages, 74. separation of, 53. Embryology, 38. Embryonic disk, 47. pole, 46. Eminence, canine, 158. collateral, 833. cruciate, 130. frontal, 135, 178, 183. hypothenar, 456. iliopectineal, 234. intercondyloid, of tibia, 256. medial, of rhomboid fossa, 799. parietal, 133, 178, 183. pyramidal, of pons, 785. of tympanic cavity, 1042. thenar, 456. Eminences and depressions of bones, 80. Eminentia arcuata, 142. articularis, 139. collateralis, 833. pyramidalis, 1042. saccularis, 813. Emissary veins, 660. Enamel cells, 1123. droplet, 1123. epithelium, 1123. fibers or prisms, 1120. organ, 1123. of teeth, 1120. formation of, 1123. Enarthrosis, 286. Encephalon, 766. End-arteries, 1223. End-bulbs of Krause, 1060. End-plates, motor, of Kühne, 730. Endocardial cushions, 512. Endocardium, 535. Endognathion, 199. Endolymph, 1051. Endomysium, 373. Endoneurium, 728. Endosteal layer of dura mater, 875. Endothelium, corneal, 1009. Enlargements of medulla spinalis, 751. Ensiform appendix, 121. Entoderm, 47. Entodermal cloaca, 1109. Entrance of larynx, 1079. Eosinophil corpuscles, 504. Eparterial branch of right bronchus, 1085, 1097. Ependymal layer, 733. Epicardium, 535. Epicondyles of humerus, 212. Epicranial aponeurosis, 380. Epidermic coat of hair follicle, 1068. Epidermis, development of, 1066. structure of, 1062. Epididymis, 1242. Epidural space, 875. Epigastric artery, deep or inferior, 623. peculiarities of, 623. surface markings of, 1321. superficial, 629. superior, 585. lymph glands, 704. region, 1149. vein, deep, 762. inferior, 672. Epiglottis, 1075. tubercle or cushion of, 1076. Epimysium, 373. Epineurium, 728. Epiotic center of temporal bone, 146. Epiphyses, atavistic, 95. pressure, 95. traction, 95.