Henry Gray (1825–1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
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Corpuscles, colored, 503. development of, 505. colorless, 504. genital, 1060. of Golgi and Mazzoni, 1061. of Grandry, 1060. Corpuscles of Hassall, 1274. of Herbst, 1061. Pacinian, 1060. of Ruffini, 1061. of Wagner and Meissner, 1061. Corrugator cutis ani muscle, 425. muscle, 381. actions of, 381. nerves of, 381. supercilii muscle, 381. Cortex of cerebellum, 794. of cerebrum 845. Corti, ganglion of, 1051, 1059. organs of, 1056. pillars or rods of, 1056. spiral organ of, 1056. tunnel of, 1057. Cortical arches of kidney, 1221. arterial system of brain, 574. portion of suprarenal gland, 1280. substance of kidney, 1221. of lens, 1020. visual center, 882. Corticostriate fibers, 835. Costæ, 123. Costal cartilages, 127, 280. element or process, 98. groove, 124. pleura, 1088. tuberosity, 202. Costocentral articulation, 299. Costocervical trunk, 585. Costochondral articulations, 304. Costocoracoid ligament, 437. membrane, 528. Cortocoracoideus muscle, 437. Costomediastinal sinus, 1090. Costosternal articulations, 302. Costotransverse articulations, 300. ligaments, 302. Costovertebral articulations, 299. ligament, anterior, 299. Cotyloid cavity, 237. ligament, 237, 436. Covering bones, 85. Coverings of ovum, 40. of testes, 1236. Cowper’s glands, 1213, 1253. Coxal articulation, 333. movements of, 338. muscles in relation to, 338. Cranial arachnoid, 876. bones, 129. dura mater, 872. fossa, anterior, 190. middle, 190. posterior, 190, 192. nerves, 881. abducent, 899. accessory, 913. acoustic, 905. composition and central connections of, 855. development of, 748. facial, 901. glossopharyngeal, 906. hypoglossal, 914. oculomotor, 884. olfactory, 881. optic, 882. tracts of, 804, 805. trigeminal, 886. trochlear, 885. vagus, 910. pia mater, 879. sympathetics, 970. Craniology, 197. Craniopharyngeal canal, 1277. Cranium, 128. bones of, 128, 129. breadth of, 198. development of, 83. height of, 198. Cranium, horizontal circumference of, 198. length of, 198. longitudinal arc of, 198. Cremaster muscle, 414. Cremasteric artery, 623. fascia, 414. Crescents of Gianuzzi, 1136. Crest or Crests, basilar, 1054. conchal, 159, 167. ethmoidal, 161, 167. frontal, 136. of ilium, 234. incisor, 163. infratemporal, 150, 183. internal occipital, 131, 193. intertrochanteric, 246. lacrimal, 161, 164. nasal, 163, 167. neural, 51, 736. obturator, 236. of pubis, 236. of right atrium, 529. sphenoidal, 149. supramastoid, 139. of tibia, 257. of tubercles of humerus, 209. urethral, in female, 1236. in male, 1234. Cribriform plate of ethmoid, 153. Cricoarytænoideus lateralis muscle, 1082. posterior muscle, 1082. Cricoarytenoid ligament, 1078. muscles, 1082. Cricoid cartilage, 1074. Cricothyreoideus muscle, 1081. Cricothyroid artery, 552. ligament, middle, 1078. membrane, 1078. muscle, 1081. Cricotracheal ligament, 1077. Crista arcuata [arytenoid cartilage], 1075. colli costæ, 123. falciformis, 143. galli, 153. terminalis [of His], 509. vestibuli, 1047. Crossed commissural fibers, 755. pyramidal tract, 760. Crosses of Ranvier, 727. Crown of a tooth, 1117. Crucial anastomosis, 630. ligaments, 342. Cruciate crural ligament, 488. eminence of occipital bone, 130. ligament of atlas, 295. ligaments of knee, 342. Crura cerebri, 800. of diaphragm, 405. of fornix, 840. of penis, 1248. of stapes, 1045. of subcutaneous inguinal ring, 410. Crural arch, deep, 419. nerve, anterior, 955. septum, 626. sheath, 625. Crureus muscle, 471. Crus cerebri, 800. commune [semicircular canals], 1049. fornicis, 840. helicis, 1034. penis, 1248. Crusta or pes of cerebral peduncle, 802. petrosa of teeth, 1120. formation of, 1120. Cruveilhier, glenoid ligaments of, 332, 359. Crypts of Lieberkühn, 1174. Crystalline lens, 1019. Crystalline lens, cortical substance of, 1020. development of, 1002. nucleus of, 1020. Cuboid bone, 269. Cuboideonavicular articulation, 356. Culmen monticuli [cerebellum], 789. Cuneate nucleus, 774. tubercle, 774. Cuneiform bone of carpus, 225. of tarsus, first, 270. second, 271. third, 271. cartilages, 1075. tubercle, 1079. Cuneocuboid articulation, 357. Cuneonavicular articulation, 356. Cuneus, 823. Cup, optic, 1001. Cupula of cochlea, 1051. of pleura, 1088. Curvatura ventriculi major, 1162. minor, 1162. Curvatures of stomach, 1162. Curved lines of ilium, 232, 233. Curves of vertebral column, 114. Cushion of auditory tube, 1141. of epiglottis, 1076. Cushions, endocardial, 512. Cusps of bicuspid valve, 534. of tricuspid valve, 531. Cutaneous cervical nerve, 927. nerve, external, 953. internal, 937, 955. lesser, 937. middle, 955. Cuticle, 1062. Cuticula dentis, 1123. Cutis plate, 80. vera or corium, 1065. Cutting teeth, 1115. Cuvier, ducts of, 520. Cycle, cardiac, 538. Cymba conchæ, 1034. Cystic artery, 605. duct, 1198. vein, 682. Cyton, 723. Cytoplasm, 35. Cytotrophoblast, 47. D Dacryon, 189, 1198. Dartos tunic, 1238. Darwin, auricular tubercle of, 1033. Daughter chromosomes, 37. Decidua, 59. basalis, 60. capsularis, 60. parietalis, 60. placentalis, 60. stratum compactum of, 59. spongiosum of, 60. unaltered or boundary layer of, 60. Decidual cells, 59. Decussation of lemnicus, 777. of optic nerves, 883. pyramidal, 767. sensory, 777.