Edmund Clarence Stedman, ed. (1833–1908). An American Anthology, 1787–1900. 1900.
By GertrudeBloede962 My Father’s Child
No halo’s starry gleam,
Still dark and swift uprising, like
A bubble in a stream,—
The bonds of earth were riven,
Sped upward through the silent night
To the closed Gates of Heaven.
To claim Eternity?
Hero or saint that bled and died
Mankind to save and free?”
“Didst thou then toil and live
For home and children—to thy Love
Last breath and heart’s blood give?”
Her hands upon her breast:
“Oh, no!” she whispered, “my dim life
Has never been so blest!
And neither great nor good,
Gained not a hero’s palm, nor won
The crown of motherhood!
The white lips faintly smiled—
“Save, oh, methinks I was mayhap
My Heavenly Father’s Child!”
And with uplifted eyes
The soul, through gates rolled open wide,
Passed into Paradise.