
Home  »  An American Anthology, 1787–1900  »  1638 For Decoration Day

Edmund Clarence Stedman, ed. (1833–1908). An American Anthology, 1787–1900. 1900.

By RupertHughes

1638 For Decoration Day


BUT do we truly mourn our soldier dead,

Or understand at all their precious fame—

We that were born too late to feel the flame

That leapt from lowly hearths, and grew, dispread,

And, like a pillar of fire, our armies led?

Or you that knew them—do the long years tame

The memory-anguish? Are they more than name?

Oh, let no stinted grief profane their bed!

Let tears bedew each wreath that decks the lawn

Of every grave! and raise a solemn prayer

That their battalioned souls be joined to fare

Dim roads, beyond the trumpets of the dawn,

Yet perfumed, somehow, by our flowers that heap

The peaceful barracks where their bodies sleep.


AND now the long, long lines of the Nation’s graves

Grow longer; and the venerate slopes reveal

The fresh spring turf gashed thick with tombs to seal

Away another army of our braves.

So hang black garlands from the architraves

Of all the capitols. The dying peal

Of bugles wails their final Taps. So kneel

And give the dead the due their virtue craves.

Thank God, the olden sinew still is bred;

The milk of American mothers still is sweet;

The sword of Seventy-six is sharp and bright;

The Flag still floats unblotted with defeat!

But ah the blood that keeps its ripples red,

The starry lives that keep its field alight;

The pangs of women and the tears they’ve bled

The Lord enlarge our spirits till we feel

The greatness of these spirits upward fled.

A kind of genius it has been that fed

Them strength to be, above all passions, leal.

They put aside the velvet for the steel,

Left love, and hope, and ease at home; and sped

To the wilderness of war and every dread.

Their blood is mortar for our commonweal;

Their deeds its decoration and its boast.

So mix with dirges, triumph; smiles, with tears.

Make sorrow perfect with exultant pride—

Our vanished armies have not truly died;

They march to-day before the heavenly host;

And history’s veterans raise a storm of cheers,

As the Yankee troops—with glory armed and shod—

In Grand Review swing past the throne of God.