Edmund Clarence Stedman, ed. (1833–1908). An American Anthology, 1787–1900. 1900.
By FrederickKeppel1446 A Plain Man’s Dream
With fifty little children, girls and boys,
Or to some fabled land unknown, afar,
Where never sound could come of this world’s noise;
Sad Adam fled from Eden; I alone
The sole custodian of all human lore,—
No books to aid, all rules and records gone,—
How much of this world’s wisdom could I give
To raise him from the savage, fierce and wild,
And train each soul a worthy life to live?
A little tillage, household arts a few;
The law of rectitude o’ercoming strife;
Things clean and sane, the simple and the true.
The hard-won, precious wisdom of the ages,—
What (and, alas, how little!) could I teach
Which changes men from savages to sages?
Somewhat I ’d tell of building, writing, preaching;
Some hints I ’d give on healing, science, art;
Love they would learn full soon without my teaching!