Edmund Clarence Stedman, ed. (1833–1908). An American Anthology, 1787–1900. 1900.
By ArthurPeterson1189 Kelpius’s Hymn
Thy stars are in the sky,
Thy Spirit this mortal vessel fills,
I feel the end is nigh;
Swift meteors flame across the north,
The golden planets wheel and sink,
Soon steps thy trumpet-angel forth
From Heaven’s eternal brink;
Then peace illumes these warlike ways,
Christ’s joyful chiliad has its birth,
A round of Eden’s perfect days,
Thy kingdom comes upon the earth!
My soul is scarred with sin,
But day and night thy Word I seek,
That I a crown may win.
Cleanse thou and make my spirit pure
As are the spirits of thy saints;
Like them in bliss would I endure
When earthly body faints.
Far up on Heaven’s resplendent height
I hear the circling cherubs sing,
As downward to this world of night
The New Jerusalem they bring!