Higginson and Bigelow, comps. American Sonnets. 1891.
A Child’s GraveWilliam Prescott Foster (1856– )
Its rocky ground to weed and thistle grown,
As though the unwatched wind had reaped and sown
Along its slopes for many a year and day;
And in the midst, as if a grave should stray
And lose itself among the hills alone,
A child’s small mound and pitiful headstone.
The only fair thing near, not far away
With hushéd murmur doth bewildered roam
A little brook, and round the landscape wind,
As its deserted mountain source it sought
To gain anew: it seemed like a lost mind,
That in some desolate tract, unmapped of thought,
Wanders, alone, and far from any home.