Higginson and Bigelow, comps. American Sonnets. 1891.
To Edgar Allan Poe: “If thy sad heart”Sarah Helen (Power) Whitman (1803–1878)
In its earth solitude grew dark with fear,
Lest the high Sun of Heaven itself should prove
Powerless to save from that phantasmal sphere
Wherein thy spirit wandered—if the flowers
That pressed around thy feet seemed but to bloom
In lone Gethsemanes, through starless hours,
When all who loved had left thee to thy doom:—
Oh, yet believe that in that hollow vale
Where thy soul lingers, waiting to attain
So much of Heaven’s sweet grace as shall avail
To lift its burden of remorseful pain,—
My soul shall meet thee and its heaven forego
Till God’s great love on both one hope, one Heaven bestow.