Higginson and Bigelow, comps. American Sonnets. 1891.
The SunMelville Madison Bigelow (1846–1921)
Upon the furthest planet’s untrod shore;
They gild the surges of old seas that roar
Beyond man’s power to pierce their safe retreat.
Great Heart! and yet thy morning pulse-beams greet
The little rose a-tint with blushes o’er.
See! spreads his wings the youngling lark, to soar
Amid thy quickening radiance, vast but sweet.
Beat on, though tuneless Silence fill thy course,—
E’en Silence fain would raise a note to thee,—
But paint the smiling flowers, and fill, O Source
Of gladsome life, the answering birds with glee,
While joy-bells in my soul ring merrily.