Higginson and Bigelow, comps. American Sonnets. 1891.
TrustMay Riley Smith (1842?–1927)
“Hold fast what I give thee,” and drop down, too,
The fringes of those tender flowers of blue,
Thy wondering eyes; nor question nor withstand
What I may give. Perchance my love hath planned
Some sweet surprise, or test if thou be true.
What if it be a sprig of bitterest rue;
A strange swift summons to an unknown land;
A hurting thorn; a cross?—rare gifts, I know,
For love to bring; but wouldst thou trust me still?
Quick, dear, thine answer! “I should trust until
The hidden meaning in thy gift should show.”
Ah, sweet, when God sends just such gifts to thee,
Canst thou not answer Him as thou dost me?