Higginson and Bigelow, comps. American Sonnets. 1891.
TheocritusMaurice Francis Egan (1852–1924)
And mourning mingles with their fountains’ song;
Shepherds contend no more, as all day long
They watch their sheep on the wide Cyprus plain;
The master voice is silent, songs are vain;
Blithe Pan is dead, and tales of ancient wrong,
Done by the gods when gods and men were strong,
Chanted to waxéd pipes, no prize can gain.
O sweetest singer of the olden days,
In dusty books your idyls rare seem dead,—
The gods are gone, but poets never die;
Though men may turn their ears to newer lays,
Sicilian nightingales enrapturéd
Caught all your songs, and nightly thrill the sky.