Higginson and Bigelow, comps. American Sonnets. 1891.
At SeaLucia (White) Jennison (“Owen Innsley”) (1850– )
Ah! could our ship but reach and anchor there,
What wondrous scenes, what visions bright and fair
Would meet the eyes that gazed across the brim!
But though we crowd the canvas on and trim
Our bark with skill, the proud waves seem to bear
No nearer to that goal, and everywhere
Stretches an endless circle wide and dim.
So do we dream, treading the narrow path
Of life, between the bounds of day and night,
To-morrow turns this page so often conned:
But when to-morrow cometh, lo! it hath
The limits of to-day, and in its light
Still lies far off the unknown heaven beyond.