Higginson and Bigelow, comps. American Sonnets. 1891.
TitlesLucia (White) Jennison (“Owen Innsley”) (1850– )
In baptism; Constance, Philip,—so each age
Knows them, and deals of praise or blame their wage,
As harvests of good fame or ill they sowed.
So with the mighty, o’er whose cradle glowed
The star of genius; with that heritage
Dante and Raphael shine on history’s page
Simple as when they walked our common road.
Like thy great namesake, in whose cause the plain
Of Troy was strewn with corpses, while above
Olympus heard the wrathful gods contend,
So, ’mid the homage of respect and love
Laid at thy feet by lover and by friend,
Helen thou art, and Helen must remain.