Higginson and Bigelow, comps. American Sonnets. 1891.
PartingJohn Godfrey Saxe (1816–1887)
Nor breadth of waters can avail to bar
My love from thee. Alas! ’t is ever far,
To yearning hearts, the smallest space that stands
Beyond the compass of out-stretching hands;
And never near, how close soe’er to each
True lovers be, if kisses may not reach
Across the distance. Since harsh Fate commands,
Darling! farewell! With tearful eyes I go,
Unknowing when the glad return shall be;
But I will think, to mitigate my woe,
How loving souls of time and tide are free;
And oft to greet thee, dearest! mine, I know,
Exulting will o’erleap the sundering sea!