Higginson and Bigelow, comps. American Sonnets. 1891.
TimeJames Whitcomb Riley (1849–1916)
For daylight, we who toss about through stress
Of vacant-armed desires and emptiness
Of all the warm, warm touches that we need,
And the warm kisses upon which we feed
Our famished lips in fancy! May God bless
The starved lips of us with but one caress
Warm as the yearning blood our poor hearts bleed!
… A wild prayer!—bite thy pillow, praying so—
Toss this side, and whirl that, and moan for dawn;
Let the clock’s signals dribble out their woe,
And Time be drained of sorrow! Long ago
We heard the crowing cock, with answer drawn,
As hoarsely sad at throat as sobs…. Pray on!