Higginson and Bigelow, comps. American Sonnets. 1891.
To the Spirit of KeatsJames Russell Lowell (1819–1891)
Uplifting me with thy vast, quiet eyes,
On whose full orbs, with kindly lustre, lies
The twilight warmth of ruddy ember gloom:
Thy clear, soft tones will oft bring sudden bloom
Of hope secure, to him who lonely cries,
Wrestling with the young poet’s agonies,
Neglect and scorn, which seem a certain doom:
Yes! the few words which, like great thunder-drops,
Thy large heart down to earth shook doubtfully,
Thrilled by the inward lightning of its might,
Serene and pure, like gushing joy of light,
Shall track the eternal chords of Destiny,
After the moon-led pulse of ocean stops.