Higginson and Bigelow, comps. American Sonnets. 1891.
“O wholesome Death”George Parsons Lathrop (1851–1898)
Looms ever dimly on the lengthening way
Of life; while, lengthening still, in sad array,
My deeds in long procession go, that are
As mourners of the man they helped to mar.
I see it all in dreams, such as waylay
The wandering fancy when the solid day
Has fallen in smouldering ruins, and night’s star,
Aloft there, with its steady point of light
Mastering the eye, has wrapped the brain in sleep.
Ah, when I die, and planets hold their flight
Above my grave, still let my spirit keep
Sometimes its vigil of divine remorse,
’Midst pity, praise, or blame heaped o’er my corse!