Higginson and Bigelow, comps. American Sonnets. 1891.
The Birth of SorrowGeorge McKnight (1840–1897)
The angels, by the voice of Fame beguiled,
Believed he sprang from God’s unreconciled
Resentment towards some wrong that vexed Him sore.
But strange it seemed—they marvelled more and more—
That one of mien so meek, and look so mild,
Should be of such stern parentage the child;
Till heavenly Truth her tidings to them bore:
“This beauteous stranger seraph whom ye see,
Is offspring of that Hierarch benign
Who reconciles in unison divine
The perfect peace of present Deity
And strifes through which Creation’s work goes on,—
Of God’s great Patience ye behold the son.”