Higginson and Bigelow, comps. American Sonnets. 1891.
In FarewellAnna Katherine (Green) Rohlfs (1846–1935)
Thou on thine unknown way and I on mine,
Ere yet the music of my woman’s heart
Has had full time to harmonize with thine.
Yet since the strain begun has seemed so sweet,
Forgive me if I dare to proffer thee
This echo from the depths where all complete
Trembles the soul’s perfected melody.
Jewels I have not, else for memory
Would I bestow them on the friend I love,
But tears and smiles, and the sweet thoughts that move
The heart by day and night, such, such to thee
I give in these poor lines as lavishly
As summer winds yield fragrance when they blow
Up from a vale where countless roses grow.