Stedman and Hutchinson, comps. A Library of American Literature:
An Anthology in Eleven Volumes. 1891.
Vols. IX–XI: Literature of the Republic, Part IV., 1861–1889
To a Doubter
By Arthur Wentworth Hamilton Eaton (1849–1937)I
Whose lips from thought’s clear springs have drunk.
The questions of the age have sunk
Deep in thy quivering soul, I see.
“Whate’er is true, thy well-turned speech
Doth not the mind’s recesses reach
Nor light the spirit’s hidden way.”
While they who wrangle over forms,
Untroubled by faith’s fiercer storms,
Feed well on sweets of rhetoric.
Thou beat’st thy bars with broken wing,
And flutterest, feebly echoing
The far-off music thou hast heard.
Walk on awhile in storm and shade;
These ghosts that haunt thy feet may fade;
Thought hath its cock-crow and sunrise.
More than thy noblest longings crave;
Thy life may sweep beyond the grave
Into a universe of love,
God’s diverse ways be reconciled,
And thou so long His orphan child
Meet Him upon the hills of light.
Acadian Legends and Lyrics. 1889.