Stedman and Hutchinson, comps. A Library of American Literature:
An Anthology in Eleven Volumes. 1891.
Vols. IX–XI: Literature of the Republic, Part IV., 1861–1889
The Little Orator
By Thaddeus Mason Harris (1768–1842)P
In speaking, make a figure?
You’re only joking, I’m afraid,—
Do wait till I am bigger.
And urge me to begin it,
I’ll strive for praise, with all my heart,
Though small the hope to win it.
A little roan-colt bred, sir,
And every night and every morn
He watered and he fed, sir.
“Arn’t you a silly dolt, sir,
To spend such time and care upon
A little useless colt, sir?”
“I’ll bring my little roan up,
Not for the good he now can do,
But will do, when he’s grown up.”
To keep the tale from spoiling;
The little colt, you think, is I,—
I know it by your smiling.
My lisping and my stammers;
I, for this once, have done my best,
And so—I’ll make my manners.