Stedman and Hutchinson, comps. A Library of American Literature:
An Anthology in Eleven Volumes. 1891.
Vols. IX–XI: Literature of the Republic, Part IV., 1861–1889
Sleighing Song
By AnonymousW
To a sleighing with the fair
In the evening, the evening, in cold and frosty weather?
When rapidly we go
As we jingle o’er the snow
And tantarra, huzza! And tantarra, huzza!
And tantarra! sings every brave fellow!
And the turkey’s on the spit,
And we dance, boys, and dance, boys, and drive away all sorrow,
’Tis then your milk and tea
Give place to strong sangree
And we banish, huzza! We banish, huzza!
And we banish the cares of to-morrow!
To the supper we sit down,
And “Keep it up!” and “Keep it up!” sings every jovial fellow;
With the wine-glass in his hand
He never makes a stand,
But guzzles, huzza, but guzzles, huzza,
And guzzles it away till he’s mellow.
And the night is cold and clear,
And we’re stowing close, we’re stowing close, because it’s chilly weather.
O then what fun we feel
When the sleigh it takes a heel
And we’re huddled, huzza! And we’re huddled, huzza!
And we’re huddled, brave boys, altogether!
O lud!—O dear!—O my!
And we scrabble, boys, we scrabble, boys, all from the snowy weather.
Then in the sleigh again
Do we scamper o’er the plain
And tantarra, huzza! tantarra, huzza!
And tantarra! sings every brave fellow!