Henry Abbey |
John Stevens Cabot Abbott |
Lyman Abbott |
Abigail Adams |
Charles Follen Adams |
Charles Francis Adams, Jr. |
Charles Francis Adams, Sr. |
Hannah Adams |
Henry Adams |
John Adams |
John Adams |
John Quincy Adams |
Samuel Adams |
John Albee |
Amos Bronson Alcott |
Louisa May Alcott |
Henry Mills Alden |
James Aldrich |
Thomas Bailey Aldrich |
Archibald Alexander |
William Rounseville Alger |
Benjamin Allen |
Ethan Allen |
Washington Allston |
George Alsop |
Richard Alsop |
Fisher Ames |
Nathaniel Ames |
Joseph Anderson |
Stephen Pearl Andrews |
Susan Brownell Anthony |
John Antrobus |
Thomas Gold Appleton |
Benedict Arnold |
George Arnold |
William Waldorf Astor |
Edward Atkinson |
John James Audubon |
Obadiah Cyrus Auringer |
Jane Goodwin Austin |
William Austin |
Brother Azarias (Patrick Francis Mullany) |
Delia Bacon |
Leonard Bacon |
Nathaniel Bacon |
Theodore Bacon |
George William Bagby |
Henry Martyn Baird |
George Augustus Baker |
William Mumford Baker |
Joseph Glover Baldwin |
Hosea Ballou |
George Bancroft |
Hubert Howe Bancroft |
Joel Barlow |
Charles Barnard |
Frederick Augustus Porter Barnard |
Amelia Edith Huddleston Barr |
Elwyn Alfred Barron |
Cyrus Augustus Bartol |
William Bartram |
John Bascom |
Arlo Bates |
Charlotte Fiske Bates |
Harriet Leonora Vose Bates |
Katharine Lee Bates |
Margret Holmes Ernsperger Bates |
James Phinney Baxter |
The Bay Psalm Book |
James Asheton Bayard |
Frances Courtenay Baylor |
Henry Ward Beecher |
Lyman Beecher |
Ethelinda Elliott Beers (Ethel Lynn) |
Henry Augustin Beers |
Jeremy Belknap |
Edward Bellamy |
Joseph Bellamy |
Americus Wellington Bellaw |
Henry Whitney Bellows |
Frank Lee Benedict |
Anthony Benezet |
Park Benjamin |
Samuel Greene Wheeler Benjamin |
James Berry Bensel |
Joel Benton |
Thomas Hart Benton |
George Berkeley |
Sir William Berkeley |
George Washington Bethune |
Robert Beverly |
Nicholas Biddle |
John Bigelow |
Poultney Bigelow |
William Biglow |
Josh Billings (Henry Wheeler Shaw) |
Robert Montgomery Bird |
Kate M. Bishop |
William Henry Bishop |
James Gillespie Blaine |
Albert Taylor Bledsoe |
Ann Eliza Bleecker |
Gertrude Bloede |
Henry Ames Blood |
George Henry Boker |
John Henry Boner |
Mary Louise Booth |
Anne Charlotte Lynch Botta |
Vincenzo Botta |
Elias Boudinot |
Christian Nestell Bovee |
Richard Rogers Bowker |
Samuel Bowles |
Eliza Southgate Bowne |
Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen |
Henry Marie Brackenridge |
Hugh Henry Brackenridge |
William Bradford |
Mary Emily Bradley |
Anne Bradstreet |
John Gardiner Calkins Brainard |
David Brainerd |
Thomas Bridge |
Charles Frederick Briggs |
Charles Astor Bristed |
Isaac Hill Bromley |
Maria Gowen Brooks (Maria del Occidente) |
Charles Timothy Brooks |
Noah Brooks |
Phillips Brooks |
Alice Williams Brotherton |
Charles Brockden Brown |
Charles Farrar Browne |
Francis Fisher Browne |
John Ross Browne |
Junius Henri Browne |
Henry Howard Brownell |
William Crary Brownell |
John Brown |
Joseph Brownlee Brown |
Phoebe (Hinsdale) Brown |
Orestes Augustus Brownson |
William Cullen Bryant |
Joseph Tinker Buckingham |
Joseph Stevens Buckminster |
Clarence Clough Buel |
Peter Bulkley |
Oliver Bell Bunce |
Henry Cuyler Bunner |
Robert Jones Burdette |
Tristam Burges |
George Shepard Burleigh |
William H. Burleigh |
Frances Hodgson Burnett |
Elihu Burritt |
John Burroughs |
Frances Louisa Bushnell |
Horace Bushnell |
William Allen Butler |
Hezekiah Butterworth |
Nathaniel Byfield |
Mather Byles |
Edwin Lassetter Bynner |
William Byrd |
George Washington Cable |
James Elliot Cabot |
Robert Calef |
John Caldwell Calhoun |
John Callender |
George Henry Calvert |
The Cambridge Platform |
Henry Charles Carey |
Mathew Carey |
Henry Guy Carleton |
Will Carleton |
Andrew Carnegie |
Amelia Walstien Carpenter |
Esther Bernon Carpenter |
Henry Bernard Carpenter |
Charles Edward Carryl |
Robert Carter |
Alice Cary |
Lewis Cass |
Mary Hartwell Catherwood |
George Catlin |
Elisabeth Cavazza |
Madison Cawein |
John White Chadwick |
Thomas Chalkley |
Edward Tyrrel Channing |
William Ellery Channing |
William Ellery Channing |
William Henry Channing |
Philander Chase |
Salmon Portland Chase |
Charles Chauncy |
George Barrell Cheever |
John Vance Cheney |
Francis James Child |
Lydia Maria Child |
Rufus Choate |
Benjamin Church |
Benjamin Church |
Roger Clap |
Isaac Edwards Clarke |
James Freeman Clarke |
James Gowdy Clark |
Kate Upson Clark |
Willis Gaylord Clark |
Cassius Marcellus Clay |
Henry Clay |
Aaron Cleveland |
Rose Elizabeth Cleveland |
William Cliffton |
DeWitt Clinton |
Ella Dietz Clymer |
Titus Munson Coan |
Charles Carleton Coffin |
Cadwallader Colden |
Benjamin Coleman |
Abraham Coles |
Thomas Stephens Collier |
Robert Collyer |
Walter Colton |
Helen Gray Cone |
Charles Taber Congdon |
Robert Taylor Conrad |
Katherine Eleanor Conway |
Moncure Daniel Conway |
Ebenezer Cook |
George Willis Cooke |
John Esten Cooke |
Philip Pendleton Cooke |
Rose Terry Cooke |
Ina Donna Coolbrith |
Anne Sheldon Coombs |
George Cooper |
James Fenimore Cooper |
George Copway |
Hiram Corson |
Thomas Corwin |
John Cotton |
Arthur Cleveland Coxe |
Samuel Sullivan Cox |
Frederick Swartwout Cozzens |
Christopher Pearse Cranch |
Charles Henry Crandall |
Francis Marion Crawford |
J. Hector St. John de Crèvecœur |
Davy Crockett |
Jane Cunningham Croly (Jennie June) |
Frederick K. Crosby |
William Croswell |
James Cudworth |
George Ticknor Curtis |
George William Curtis |
Samuel Curwen |
Caleb Cushing |
Elizabeth Bacon Custer |
Elbridge Jefferson Cutler |
Richard Dabney |
Richard Henry Dana, Jr. |
Richard Henry Dana, Sr. |
Charles Anderson Dana |
Danske Dandridge |
John Davenport |
Samuel Davies |
Jefferson Davis |
Mary Evelyn Moore Davis |
Rebecca Harding Davis |
Richard Edwin Day |
Declaration of Independence |
John William De Forest |
Charles de Kay |
Margaret Deland |
Philander Deming |
John Richard Dennett |
Joseph Dennie |
Daniel Denton |
Chauncey Mitchell Depew |
George Horatio Derby |
Mary Ainge De Vere (Madeline Bridges) |
George W. Dewey |
Orville Dewey |
Anna Elizabeth Dickinson |
Charles Monroe Dickinson |
John Dickinson |
Jonathan Dickinson |
Robert Dinsmoor |
John Adams Dix |
George Washington Doane |
Anna Bowman Dodd |
Mary Barker Carter Dodge |
Mary Mapes Dodge |
Rollin Mallory Doggett |
John Aylmer Dorgan |
Julia C. R. Dorr |
Frederick Douglass |
Stephen Arnold Douglas |
Andrew Jackson Downing |
Joseph Rodman Drake |
Samuel Gardner Drake |
John William Draper |
William Henry Drayton |
Henry Drisler |
Thomas Dudley |
Samuel Willoughby Duffield |
Augustine Joseph Hickey Duganne |
William Dunlap |
Francis Alexander Durivage |
Evert Augustus Duyckinck |
John Sullivan Dwight |
Timothy Dwight |
Charles Gamage Eastman |
Elaine Goodale Eastman |
Arthur Wentworth Hamilton Eaton |
Harry Stillwell Edwards |
Jonathan Edwards |
Maurice Francis Egan |
Edward Eggleston |
George Cary Eggleston |
Charles William Eliot |
John Eliot |
Maud Howe Elliott |
Erastus Wolcott Ellsworth |
Oliver Ellsworth |
Ralph Waldo Emerson |
Nathanael Emmons |
Thomas Dunn English |
Augusta Jane Evans |
Nathaniel Evans |
William Maxwell Evarts |
Alexander Hill Everett |
David Everett |
Edward Everett |
Margaretta V. Faugeres |
Virginia Peyton Fauntleroy |
Edgar Fawcett |
Theodore Sedgwick Fay |
Lillien Blanche Fearing |
Cornelius Conway Felton |
Cornelius George Fenner |
Elizabeth Graeme Ferguson |
Thomas Green Fessenden |
Kate Neely Festetits |
Eugene Field |
Henry Martyn Field |
Kate Field |
Annie Adams Fields |
James Thomas Fields |
Francis Miles Finch |
Henry James Finn |
George Park Fisher |
John Fiske |
George Fitzhugh |
Wilson Flagg |
Wilson Flagg |
Henry Lynden Flash |
Maybury Fleming |
Julia Constance Fletcher (George Fleming) |
Timothy Flint |
Peter Folger |
Charles Theodore Christian Follen |
Mary Hallock Foote |
Hannah Webster Foster |
Stephen Collins Foster |
John Wakefield Francis |
Benjamin Franklin |
Harold Frederic |
Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman |
John Charles Frémont |
Alice French (Octave Thanet) |
Philip Freneau |
Levi Frisbie |
Nathaniel Langdon Frothingham |
Octavius Brooks Frothingham |
Margaret Fuller |
Horace Howard Furness |
William Davis Gallagher |
Albert Gallatin |
Joseph Galloway |
Alexander Garden |
John Sylvester John Gardiner |
James Abram Garfield |
Wendell Phillips Garrison |
William Lloyd Garrison |
Charles Étienne Arthur Gayarré |
Henry George |
Elizabeth Sears Bates Gerberding |
James Sloan Gibbons |
William Hamilton Gibson |
Joshua Reed Giddings |
Richard Watson Gilder |
Henry Giles |
Arthur Gilman |
Caroline Howard Gilman |
Daniel Coit Gilman |
Nicholas Paine Gilman |
James Roberts Gilmore |
Patrick Sarsfield Gilmore |
Thomas Godfrey |
Edwin Lawrence Godkin |
Parke Godwin |
Dora Read Goodale |
Samuel Griswold Goodrich |
Daniel Gookin |
Armistead Churchill Gordon |
Gustav Gottheil |
Hannah Flagg Gould |
Henry Woodfin Grady |
Robert Grant |
Ulysses Simpson Grant |
David Gray |
Alexander Graydon |
Horace Greeley |
Adolphus Washington Greely |
Anna Katharine Green |
Joseph Green |
Albert Gorton Greene |
George Washington Greene |
Homer Greene |
Sarah Pratt McLean Greene |
Edward Greey |
Rufus Wilmot Griswold |
Clara Florida Guernsey |
Louise Imogen Guiney |
John Gyles |
James Hadley |
Edward Everett Hale |
Sarah Josepha Buell Hale |
James Hall |
Fitz-Greene Halleck |
Charles Graham Halpine |
Murat Halstead |
Alexander Hamilton |
James Henry Hammond |
John Hammond |
Thomas Chalmers Harbaugh |
Arthur Sherburne Hardy |
Henry Harland |
William Wallace Harney |
Robert Goodloe Harper |
Joel Chandler Harris |
Miriam Coles Harris |
Thaddeus Mason Harris |
William Torrey Harris |
Bret Harte |
The Hartford Wits |
John Rose Greene Hassard |
Willis Brooks Hawkins |
Francis Lister Hawks |
Julian Hawthorne |
Nathaniel Hawthorne |
John Hay |
John George Nicolay and John Hay |
Isaac Israel Hayes |
Paul Hamilton Hayne |
Robert Young Hayne |
Mayo Williamson Hazeltine |
Joel Tyler Headley |
Lafcadio Hearn |
Frederic Henry Hedge |
Michael Heilprin |
Hinton Rowan Helper |
Isaac Henderson |
Patrick Henry |
George Herbert |
Henry William Herbert |
Abram Stevens Hewitt |
Francis Higginson |
Thomas Wentworth Higginson |
Charles Lotin Hildreth |
Richard Hildreth |
Adams Sherman Hill |
George Hill |
Thomas Hill |
George Stillman Hillard |
James Abraham Hillhouse |
Burke Aaron Hinsdale |
Edward Hitchcock |
Roswell Dwight Hitchcock |
John Henry Hobart |
Charles Fenno Hoffman |
Josiah Gilbert Holland |
Marietta Holley |
Abiel Holmes |
Oliver Wendell Holmes |
Edward Holyoke |
St. John Honeywood |
William Hooke |
Thomas Hooker |
Johnson J. Hooper |
Lemuel Hopkins |
Mark Hopkins |
Samuel Hopkins |
Francis Hopkinson |
Joseph Hopkinson |
George Washington Wright Houghton |
Edward Howard House |
Blanche Willis Howard |
Bronson Howard |
Ellen Clementine Howarth |
Edgar Watson Howe |
Julia Ward Howe |
Elizabeth (Lloyd) Howell |
William Dean Howells |
Ralph Hoyt |
William Hubbard |
Henry Norman Hudson |
Mary (Clemmer) (Ames) Hudson |
John Hughes |
David Humphreys |
Theodore Whitefield Hunt |
William Morris Hunt |
Helen Thayer Hutcheson |
Margaret Hutchinson |
Thomas Hutchinson |
Laurence Hutton |
Charles Jared Ingersoll |
Robert Green Ingersoll |
Washington Irving |
William Irving |
Helen Hunt Jackson |
Henry James |
Henry James, Sr. |
Margaret Thomson Janvier (Margaret Vandegrift) |
Thomas Allibone Janvier |
James Jackson Jarves |
John Jay |
John Jay |
Joseph Jefferson |
Thomas Jefferson |
Lucy White Jennison (Owen Innsly) |
Sarah Orne Jewett |
Captain Edward Johnson |
Helen Kendrick Johnson |
Oliver Johnson |
Robert Underwood Johnson |
Rossiter Johnson |
Samuel Johnson |
Samuel Johnson |
Virginia Wales Johnson |
William Martin Johnson |
Richard Malcolm Johnston |
William Preston Johnston |
Charles Colcock Jones, Jr. |
Amanda Theodocia Jones |
Hugh Jones |
John Paul Jones |
Thomas Jones |
John Josselyn |
Sylvester Judd |
Emily Chubbuck Judson (Fanny Forrester) |
Elisha Kent Kane |
Henry Francis Keenan |
Frances Anne Kemble |
George Kennan |
John Pendleton Kennedy |
James Kent |
James Benjamin Kenyon |
Annie Chambers Ketchum |
Francis Scott Key |
Harriet McEwen Kimball |
Richard Burleigh Kimball |
Charles King |
Clarence King |
Edward King |
Grace Elizabeth King |
Thomas Starr King |
Coates Kinney |
Elizabeth Clementine Kinney |
Leonard Kip |
William Ingraham Kip |
Ellen Warner Olney Kirk |
John Foster Kirk |
Caroline Matilda Stansbury Kirkland |
Joseph Kirkland |
Gilbert Peter Knapp |
Sarah Kemble Knight |
Thomas Wallace Knox |
Joseph Brown Ladd |
Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar |
Martha Joanna Lamb |
Clifford Anderson Lanier |
Sidney Lanier |
George Thomas Lanigan |
Lucy Larcom |
Augusta Larned |
George Parsons Lathrop |
Rose Hawthorne Lathrop (Mother Alphonsa) |
Henry Laurens |
Deodat Lawson |
John Lawson |
William Cranston Lawton |
Emma Lazarus |
Henry Charles Lea |
Walter Learned |
John Ledyard |
Henry Lee III |
Richard Henry Lee |
Hugh Swinton Legaré |
James Matthews Legaré |
William Leggett |
William Leighton |
Charles Godfrey Leland |
Eliza Leslie |
Charles Edwards Lester |
Letters of the Quakers |
Charles Bertrand Lewis |
Charlton Thomas Lewis |
Tayler Lewis |
Francis Lieber |
Abraham Lincoln |
John Blair Linn |
Sarah Jane Lippincott (Grace Greenwood) |
Grace Denio Litchfield |
Robert R. Livingston |
William Livingston |
David Demarest Lloyd |
David Ross Locke |
Richard Adams Locke |
Henry Cabot Lodge |
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow |
Samuel Longfellow |
John Davis Long |
Augustus Baldwin Longstreet |
William Wilberforce Lord |
Frederick Wadsworth Loring |
Benson John Lossing |
Flora Haines Loughead |
Thomas Raynesford Lounsbury |
Samuel Low |
James Russell Lowell |
Maria (White) Lowell |
Robert Traill Spence Lowell |
Charles Henry Lüders |
Fitz Hugh Ludlow |
George Lunt |
William Haines Lytle |
T. M. |
Hamilton Wright Mabie |
Harry Macarthy |
William Gordon McCabe |
George Brinton McClellan |
Mary Greenway McClelland |
Louisa Susanna Cheves McCord |
Augustus Rodney Macdonough |
Katharine Sherwood Bonner McDowell |
William Henry McElroy |
Ernest McGaffey |
James Thomson McKay |
Thomas MacKellar |
Guy Humphrey McMaster |
John Bach McMaster |
John Alfred Macon |
James Madison |
Horace Mann |
Samuel Eleazer Mann |
Lewis William Mansfield |
Edwin Markham |
John Marshall |
Thomas Francis Marshall |
George Perkins Marsh |
Edward Sandford Martin |
Luther Martin |
Caroline Atherton Mason |
Major John Mason |
Cotton Mather |
Increase Mather |
Richard Mather |
Samuel Mather |
Albert Mathews |
Cornelius Mathews |
Brander Matthews |
Matthew Fontaine Maury |
William Maxwell |
Samuel Joseph May |
Brantz Mayer |
Jonathan Mayhew |
William Starbuck Mayo |
Grenville Mellen |
Herman Melville |
William Tuckey Meredith |
Robert Hinckley Messinger |
Harriet Mann (Olive Thorne) Miller |
Joaquin (Cincinnatus Hiner) Miller |
John Miller |
George Richards Minot |
Ormsby MacKnight Mitchel |
Agnes E. Mitchell |
Donald Grant Mitchell (Ik Marvel) |
Edward Page Mitchell |
Jonathan Mitchell |
Langdon Elwyn Mitchell |
Silas Weir Mitchell |
Walter Mitchell |
Samuel Latham Mitchill |
George Edgar Montgomery |
James Moody |
Clement Clarke Moore |
Bessie Morgan |
James Appleton Morgan |
William Morrell |
George Pope Morris |
Gouverneur Morris |
Harrison Smith Morris |
Ramsay Morris |
John Torrey Morse, Jr. |
James Herbert Morse |
Samuel Finley Breese Morse |
Nathaniel Morton |
Sarah Wentworth Apthorp Morton |
Thomas Morton |
John Lothrop Motley |
Louise Chandler Moulton |
William Augustus Muhlenberg |
Elisha Mulford |
William Munford |
Richard Kendall Munkittrick |
Mary Noailles Murfree (Charles Egbert Craddock) |
Lindley Murray |
Ehrman Syme Nadal |
John Neal |
Negro Hymns and Songs |
Robert Henry Newell |
Starr Hoyt Nichols |
John George Nicolay and John Hay |
Nathaniel Niles |
Samuel Niles |
Joseph A. Nimes |
Mordecai Manuel Noah |
Lucretia Gray Noble |
Charles Nordhoff |
Andrews Norton |
Charles Eliot Norton |
John Norton |
John Norton |
Colonel Henry Norwood |
Eliphalet Nott |
James Noyes |
Nicholas Noyes |
Edgar Wilson (Bill) Nye |
Urian Oakes |
Fitz-James O’Brien |
Michael O’Connor |
William Douglas O’Connor |
Jonathan Odell |
Theodore O’Hara |
Frederick Law Olmsted |
John Boyle O’Reilly |
Caroline Frances Orne |
John Osborn |
Frances Sargent Osgood |
Kate Putnam Osgood |
Samuel Osgood |
Harrison Gray Otis |
James Otis |
Robert Dale Owen |
Thomas Nelson Page |
Robert Treat Paine, Jr. |
Thomas Paine |
John Gorham Palfrey |
John Williamson Palmer |
Ray Palmer |
Theodore Parker |
Francis Parkman |
George Frederic Parsons |
Thomas William Parsons |
James Parton |
James Kirke Paulding |
John Howard Payne |
William Morton Payne |
Andrew Preston Peabody |
Oliver William Bourne Peabody |
William Bourne Oliver Peabody |
Rembrandt Peale |
Harry Thurston Peck |
Samuel Minturn Peck |
Benjamin Peirce |
Samuel Penhallow |
William Penn |
Isaac Rusling Pennypacker |
James Gates Percival |
George Percy |
George Perry |
Nora Perry |
Thomas Sergeant Perry |
Samuel Peters |
Henry Peterson |
Charles Henry Phelps |
William Walter Phelps |
Wendell Phillips |
John James Piatt |
Sarah Morgan Bryan Piatt |
Timothy Pickering |
John Pierpont |
Albert Pike |
Frederick Henry Pilch |
Eliza Lucas Pinckney |
Edward Coate Pinkney |
Ninian Pinkney |
William Pinkney |
William Pitt, Earl of Chatham |
Florus Beardsley Plimpton |
Edgar Allan Poe |
Edward Pollock |
Maria Louise Pool |
Horace Porter |
Noah Porter |
John Pory |
Horatio Nelson Powers |
George Denison Prentice |
Seargent Smith Prentiss |
Mary Newmarch Prescott |
William Hickling Prescott |
Harriet Waters Preston |
Margaret Junkin Preston |
Samuel Irenæus Prime |
William Cowper Prime |
Thomas Prince |
Edna Dean Proctor |
David Law Proudfit |
Roger Atkinson Pryor |
George Haven Putnam |
Mary Traill Spence Lowell Putnam |
Howard Pyle |
The Quaker Petition |
Edmund Quincy |
Josiah Quincy |
Josiah Quincy |
Josiah Quincy, Jr. |
James Ralph |
David Ramsay |
James Ryder Randall |
Anson Davies Fitz Randolph |
John Randolph |
Sir John Randolph |
William Ray |
Henry Jarvis Raymond |
Rossiter Worthington Raymond |
Thomas Buchanan Read |
Richard Realf |
Red Jacket |
Henry Reed |
Lizette Woodworth Reese |
Whitelaw Reid |
Revolutionary Songs and Ballads |
Albert Deane Richardson |
Charles Francis Richardson |
Hiram Rich |
Richard Rich |
William Henry Rideing |
John Clark Ridpath |
James Whitcomb Riley |
Roger Riordan |
George Ripley |
Roswell Sabine Ripley |
James Rivington |
Sarah Roberts |
Annie Douglas (Green) Robinson |
Edward Robinson |
Tracy Robinson |
James Jeffrey Roche |
Edward Payson Roe |
John Rogers |
John Rolfe |
Alice Wellington Rollins |
Theodore Roosevelt |
George Frederick Root |
Aquila Rose |
Mary Rowlandson |
Susanna Rowson |
Benjamin Rush |
Irwin Russell |
Abram Joseph Ryan |
Adoniram Judson Sage |
Francis Saltus Saltus |
Edgar Evertson Saltus |
Franklin Benjamin Sanborn |
John Sanderson |
Robert Charles Sands |
Margaret Elizabeth Sangster |
Epes Sargent |
Minot Judson Savage |
Charles Carroll Sawyer |
John Godfrey Saxe |
Andrew Bice Saxton |
The Saybrook Platform |
Noted Sayings, Part I |
Noted Sayings, Part II |
Noted Sayings, Part III |
Philip Schaff |
Henry Rowe Schoolcraft |
James Schouler |
Carl Schurz |
Eugene Schuyler |
Clinton Scollard |
Joshua Scottow |
Horace Elisha Scudder |
Nicholas Scull |
Laura Redden Searing (Howard Glyndon) |
Edmund Hamilton Sears |
John Seccomb |
Catharine Maria Sedgwick |
Harriet Winslow Sewall |
Jonathan Mitchel Sewall |
Samuel Sewall |
William Henry Seward |
Charles Dawson Shanly |
John Shaw |
John Gilmary Shea |
William Greenough Thayer Shedd |
Thomas Shepard |
Nathaniel Graham Shepherd |
Philip Henry Sheridan |
Frank Dempster Sherman |
William Tecumseh Sherman |
Benjamin Penhallow Shillaber |
Charles Howard Shinn |
Milicent Washburn Shinn |
William Steele Shurtleff |
Lydia Huntley Sigourney |
Edward Rowland Sill |
William Gilmore Simms |
Annie Trumbull Slosson |
George Washburn Smalley |
Susan Dabney Smedes |
Abigail Adams Smith |
Arabella (Belle) Eugenie Smith |
Elihu Hubbard Smith |
Elizabeth Oakes Smith |
Florence Smith |
Gerrit Smith |
Captain John Smith |
May Riley Smith |
Samuel Francis Smith |
Seba Smith |
Stephen Decatur Smith, Jr. |
William Smith |
Denton Jaques Snider |
Jared Sparks |
Harriet Prescott Spofford |
Charles Sprague |
William Buell Sprague |
Ephraim George Squier |
Henry Morton Stanley |
Joseph Stansbury |
Mary Anna Phinney Stansbury |
Elizabeth Cady Stanton |
Orth Harper Stein |
Alexander Hamilton Stephens |
Ann Sophia Stephens |
John Lloyd Stephens |
William Stephens |
Abel Stevens |
Thaddeus Stevens |
Ezra Stiles |
William James Stillman |
Frederic Jesup Stimson |
William Stith |
Frank Richard Stockton |
Charles Warren Stoddard |
Elizabeth Drew Barstow Stoddard |
Lavinia Stoddard |
Richard Henry Stoddard |
William Osborn Stoddard |
John Augustus Stone |
Samuel Stone |
William Leete Stone |
Richard Salter Storrs |
Joseph Story |
William Wetmore Story |
Harriet Beecher Stowe |
William Strachey |
Alfred Billings Street |
Josiah Strong |
Moses Stuart |
Russell Sturgis |
Thomas Russell Sullivan |
William Sullivan |
Charles Sumner |
William Graham Sumner |
David Swing |
John Swinton |
William Swinton |
Thomas Symmes |
William Bingham Tappan |
Bayard Taylor |
Benjamin Franklin Taylor |
Tecumseh |
Tabitha Tenney |
Mary Virginia Hawes Terhune (Marion Harland) |
Anthony Thacher |
James Thacher |
Celia Laighton Thaxter |
Stephen Henry Thayer |
William Roscoe Thayer (Paul Hermes) |
Edith Matilda Thomas |
Frederick William Thomas |
Gabriel Thomas |
Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford |
Daniel Pierce Thompson |
John Thompson |
John Randolph Thompson |
Maurice Thompson |
William Tappan Thompson |
Henry David Thoreau |
Thomas Bangs Thorpe |
Francis Orrery Ticknor |
George Ticknor |
Theodore Tilton |
Henry Timrod |
Mary Agnes Tincker |
Alexis de Tocqueville |
John Todd |
Benjamin Tompson |
Robert Toombs |
Albion Winegar Tourgée |
George Makepeace Towle |
George Alfred Townsend |
Mary Ashley Townsend |
Amélie Rives Troubetzkoy |
John Townsend Trowbridge |
James Hammond Trumbull |
John Trumbull |
John Trumbull |
Bayard Tuckerman |
Henry Theodore Tuckerman |
Nathaniel Beverley Tucker |
St. George Tucker |
William Tudor |
Ebenezer and Jane Turell |
Mark Twain (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) |
Moses Coit Tyler |
Royall Tyler |
Captain John Underhill |
Charles Wentworth Upham |
George Melville Upton |
Mariana Griswold Van Rensselaer |
William Henry Venable |
Gulian Crommelin Verplanck |
Verse of the French and Indian War |
Jones Very |
Marvin Richardson Vincent |
Benjamin Wadsworth |
Amasa Walker |
Francis Amasa Walker |
Robert John Walker |
Horace Binney Wallace |
Lewis Wallace |
William Ross Wallace |
Thomas Walley |
Robert Walsh |
Jeannette Ritchie Hadermann Walworth |
Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward |
Nathaniel Ward |
Samuel Ward |
William Hayes Ward |
Henry Ware, Jr. |
William Ware |
George E. Waring, Jr. |
Charles Dudley Warner |
Susan Warner |
Emily Warre |
Joseph Warren |
Mercy Otis Warren |
George Washington |
David Atwood Wasson |
Elkanah Watson |
John Fanning Watson |
Henry Watterson |
Francis Wayland |
Charles Henry Webb |
Daniel Webster |
Daniel Webster |
Noah Webster |
Thurlow Weed |
Robert Kelley Weeks |
Mason Locke Weems |
John Weiss |
Amelia B. Welby |
Philip Henry Welch |
Thomas Weld |
David Ames Wells |
Barrett Wendell |
Phillis Wheatley |
Henry Wheaton |
Captain Thomas Wheeler |
Edwin Percy Whipple |
James Abbott McNeill Whistler |
Alexander Whitaker |
Frances Miriam Whitcher |
Andrew Dickson White |
Horace White |
Richard Grant White |
William White |
Charles Goodrich Whiting |
Sarah Helen Power Whitman |
Walt Whitman |
Adeline Dutton Train Whitney |
Anne Whitney |
William Dwight Whitney |
James Morris Whiton |
Elizabeth Hussey Whittier |
John Greenleaf Whittier |
Michael Wigglesworth |
Ella Wheeler Wilcox |
Richard Henry Wilde |
Samuel Wilkeson |
James Wilkinson |
William Cleaver Wilkinson |
Emma Hart Willard |
Samuel Willard |
Francis Howard Williams |
George Washington Williams |
John Williams |
Roger Williams |
Nathaniel Parker Willis |
Forceythe Willson |
Alexander Wilson |
Epiphanius Wilson |
Henry Wilson |
James Wilson |
Robert Burns Wilson |
Alexander Winchell |
Edward Winslow |
Justin Winsor |
William Winter |
John Winthrop |
John Winthrop |
Margaret Tyndal Winthrop |
Theodore Winthrop |
William Wirt |
Henry Augustus Wise |
Isaac Mayer Wise |
John Wise |
John Witherspoon |
Roger Wolcott |
Charles Wolley |
George Wood |
William Wood |
George Edward Woodberry |
Benjamin Woodbridge |
Levi Woodbury |
Kate Tannatt Woods |
Samuel Woodworth |
Benjamin Edward Woolf |
John Woolman |
Sarah Chauncey Woolsey (Susan Coolidge) |
Theodore Dwight Woolsey |
Constance Fenimore Woolson |
Noah Worcester |
Henry Clay Work |
Katherine Prescott Wormeley |
Francis Yonge |
Edward Livingston Youmans |
Charles Augustus Young |
William Young |