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Stedman and Hutchinson, comps. A Library of American Literature:
An Anthology in Eleven Volumes. 1891.


Index to Authors

Henry Abbey
John Stevens Cabot Abbott
Lyman Abbott
Abigail Adams
Charles Follen Adams
Charles Francis Adams, Jr.
Charles Francis Adams, Sr.
Hannah Adams
Henry Adams
John Adams
John Adams
John Quincy Adams
Samuel Adams
John Albee
Amos Bronson Alcott
Louisa May Alcott
Henry Mills Alden
James Aldrich
Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Archibald Alexander
William Rounseville Alger
Benjamin Allen
Ethan Allen
Washington Allston
George Alsop
Richard Alsop
Fisher Ames
Nathaniel Ames
Joseph Anderson
Stephen Pearl Andrews
Susan Brownell Anthony
John Antrobus
Thomas Gold Appleton
Benedict Arnold
George Arnold
William Waldorf Astor
Edward Atkinson
John James Audubon
Obadiah Cyrus Auringer
Jane Goodwin Austin
William Austin
Brother Azarias (Patrick Francis Mullany)
Delia Bacon
Leonard Bacon
Nathaniel Bacon
Theodore Bacon
George William Bagby
Henry Martyn Baird
George Augustus Baker
William Mumford Baker
Joseph Glover Baldwin
Hosea Ballou
George Bancroft
Hubert Howe Bancroft
Joel Barlow
Charles Barnard
Frederick Augustus Porter Barnard
Amelia Edith Huddleston Barr
Elwyn Alfred Barron
Cyrus Augustus Bartol
William Bartram
John Bascom
Arlo Bates
Charlotte Fiske Bates
Harriet Leonora Vose Bates
Katharine Lee Bates
Margret Holmes Ernsperger Bates
James Phinney Baxter
The Bay Psalm Book
James Asheton Bayard
Frances Courtenay Baylor
Henry Ward Beecher
Lyman Beecher
Ethelinda Elliott Beers (Ethel Lynn)
Henry Augustin Beers
Jeremy Belknap
Edward Bellamy
Joseph Bellamy
Americus Wellington Bellaw
Henry Whitney Bellows
Frank Lee Benedict
Anthony Benezet
Park Benjamin
Samuel Greene Wheeler Benjamin
James Berry Bensel
Joel Benton
Thomas Hart Benton
George Berkeley
Sir William Berkeley
George Washington Bethune
Robert Beverly
Nicholas Biddle
John Bigelow
Poultney Bigelow
William Biglow
Josh Billings (Henry Wheeler Shaw)
Robert Montgomery Bird
Kate M. Bishop
William Henry Bishop
James Gillespie Blaine
Albert Taylor Bledsoe
Ann Eliza Bleecker
Gertrude Bloede
Henry Ames Blood
George Henry Boker
John Henry Boner
Mary Louise Booth
Anne Charlotte Lynch Botta
Vincenzo Botta
Elias Boudinot
Christian Nestell Bovee
Richard Rogers Bowker
Samuel Bowles
Eliza Southgate Bowne
Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen
Henry Marie Brackenridge
Hugh Henry Brackenridge
William Bradford
Mary Emily Bradley
Anne Bradstreet
John Gardiner Calkins Brainard
David Brainerd
Thomas Bridge
Charles Frederick Briggs
Charles Astor Bristed
Isaac Hill Bromley
Maria Gowen Brooks (Maria del Occidente)
Charles Timothy Brooks
Noah Brooks
Phillips Brooks
Alice Williams Brotherton
Charles Brockden Brown
Charles Farrar Browne
Francis Fisher Browne
John Ross Browne
Junius Henri Browne
Henry Howard Brownell
William Crary Brownell
John Brown
Joseph Brownlee Brown
Phoebe (Hinsdale) Brown
Orestes Augustus Brownson
William Cullen Bryant
Joseph Tinker Buckingham
Joseph Stevens Buckminster
Clarence Clough Buel
Peter Bulkley
Oliver Bell Bunce
Henry Cuyler Bunner
Robert Jones Burdette
Tristam Burges
George Shepard Burleigh
William H. Burleigh
Frances Hodgson Burnett
Elihu Burritt
John Burroughs
Frances Louisa Bushnell
Horace Bushnell
William Allen Butler
Hezekiah Butterworth
Nathaniel Byfield
Mather Byles
Edwin Lassetter Bynner
William Byrd
George Washington Cable
James Elliot Cabot
Robert Calef
John Caldwell Calhoun
John Callender
George Henry Calvert
The Cambridge Platform
Henry Charles Carey
Mathew Carey
Henry Guy Carleton
Will Carleton
Andrew Carnegie
Amelia Walstien Carpenter
Esther Bernon Carpenter
Henry Bernard Carpenter
Charles Edward Carryl
Robert Carter
Alice Cary
Lewis Cass
Mary Hartwell Catherwood
George Catlin
Elisabeth Cavazza
Madison Cawein
John White Chadwick
Thomas Chalkley
Edward Tyrrel Channing
William Ellery Channing
William Ellery Channing
William Henry Channing
Philander Chase
Salmon Portland Chase
Charles Chauncy
George Barrell Cheever
John Vance Cheney
Francis James Child
Lydia Maria Child
Rufus Choate
Benjamin Church
Benjamin Church
Roger Clap
Isaac Edwards Clarke
James Freeman Clarke
James Gowdy Clark
Kate Upson Clark
Willis Gaylord Clark
Cassius Marcellus Clay
Henry Clay
Aaron Cleveland
Rose Elizabeth Cleveland
William Cliffton
DeWitt Clinton
Ella Dietz Clymer
Titus Munson Coan
Charles Carleton Coffin
Cadwallader Colden
Benjamin Coleman
Abraham Coles
Thomas Stephens Collier
Robert Collyer
Walter Colton
Helen Gray Cone
Charles Taber Congdon
Robert Taylor Conrad
Katherine Eleanor Conway
Moncure Daniel Conway
Ebenezer Cook
George Willis Cooke
John Esten Cooke
Philip Pendleton Cooke
Rose Terry Cooke
Ina Donna Coolbrith
Anne Sheldon Coombs
George Cooper
James Fenimore Cooper
George Copway
Hiram Corson
Thomas Corwin
John Cotton
Arthur Cleveland Coxe
Samuel Sullivan Cox
Frederick Swartwout Cozzens
Christopher Pearse Cranch
Charles Henry Crandall
Francis Marion Crawford
J. Hector St. John de Crèvecœur
Davy Crockett
Jane Cunningham Croly (Jennie June)
Frederick K. Crosby
William Croswell
James Cudworth
George Ticknor Curtis
George William Curtis
Samuel Curwen
Caleb Cushing
Elizabeth Bacon Custer
Elbridge Jefferson Cutler
Richard Dabney
Richard Henry Dana, Jr.
Richard Henry Dana, Sr.
Charles Anderson Dana
Danske Dandridge
John Davenport
Samuel Davies
Jefferson Davis
Mary Evelyn Moore Davis
Rebecca Harding Davis
Richard Edwin Day
Declaration of Independence
John William De Forest
Charles de Kay
Margaret Deland
Philander Deming
John Richard Dennett
Joseph Dennie
Daniel Denton
Chauncey Mitchell Depew
George Horatio Derby
Mary Ainge De Vere (Madeline Bridges)
George W. Dewey
Orville Dewey
Anna Elizabeth Dickinson
Charles Monroe Dickinson
John Dickinson
Jonathan Dickinson
Robert Dinsmoor
John Adams Dix
George Washington Doane
Anna Bowman Dodd
Mary Barker Carter Dodge
Mary Mapes Dodge
Rollin Mallory Doggett
John Aylmer Dorgan
Julia C. R. Dorr
Frederick Douglass
Stephen Arnold Douglas
Andrew Jackson Downing
Joseph Rodman Drake
Samuel Gardner Drake
John William Draper
William Henry Drayton
Henry Drisler
Thomas Dudley
Samuel Willoughby Duffield
Augustine Joseph Hickey Duganne
William Dunlap
Francis Alexander Durivage
Evert Augustus Duyckinck
John Sullivan Dwight
Timothy Dwight
Charles Gamage Eastman
Elaine Goodale Eastman
Arthur Wentworth Hamilton Eaton
Harry Stillwell Edwards
Jonathan Edwards
Maurice Francis Egan
Edward Eggleston
George Cary Eggleston
Charles William Eliot
John Eliot
Maud Howe Elliott
Erastus Wolcott Ellsworth
Oliver Ellsworth
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Nathanael Emmons
Thomas Dunn English
Augusta Jane Evans
Nathaniel Evans
William Maxwell Evarts
Alexander Hill Everett
David Everett
Edward Everett
Margaretta V. Faugeres
Virginia Peyton Fauntleroy
Edgar Fawcett
Theodore Sedgwick Fay
Lillien Blanche Fearing
Cornelius Conway Felton
Cornelius George Fenner
Elizabeth Graeme Ferguson
Thomas Green Fessenden
Kate Neely Festetits
Eugene Field
Henry Martyn Field
Kate Field
Annie Adams Fields
James Thomas Fields
Francis Miles Finch
Henry James Finn
George Park Fisher
John Fiske
George Fitzhugh
Wilson Flagg
Wilson Flagg
Henry Lynden Flash
Maybury Fleming
Julia Constance Fletcher (George Fleming)
Timothy Flint
Peter Folger
Charles Theodore Christian Follen
Mary Hallock Foote
Hannah Webster Foster
Stephen Collins Foster
John Wakefield Francis
Benjamin Franklin
Harold Frederic
Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman
John Charles Frémont
Alice French (Octave Thanet)
Philip Freneau
Levi Frisbie
Nathaniel Langdon Frothingham
Octavius Brooks Frothingham
Margaret Fuller
Horace Howard Furness
William Davis Gallagher
Albert Gallatin
Joseph Galloway
Alexander Garden
John Sylvester John Gardiner
James Abram Garfield
Wendell Phillips Garrison
William Lloyd Garrison
Charles Étienne Arthur Gayarré
Henry George
Elizabeth Sears Bates Gerberding
James Sloan Gibbons
William Hamilton Gibson
Joshua Reed Giddings
Richard Watson Gilder
Henry Giles
Arthur Gilman
Caroline Howard Gilman
Daniel Coit Gilman
Nicholas Paine Gilman
James Roberts Gilmore
Patrick Sarsfield Gilmore
Thomas Godfrey
Edwin Lawrence Godkin
Parke Godwin
Dora Read Goodale
Samuel Griswold Goodrich
Daniel Gookin
Armistead Churchill Gordon
Gustav Gottheil
Hannah Flagg Gould
Henry Woodfin Grady
Robert Grant
Ulysses Simpson Grant
David Gray
Alexander Graydon
Horace Greeley
Adolphus Washington Greely
Anna Katharine Green
Joseph Green
Albert Gorton Greene
George Washington Greene
Homer Greene
Sarah Pratt McLean Greene
Edward Greey
Rufus Wilmot Griswold
Clara Florida Guernsey
Louise Imogen Guiney
John Gyles
James Hadley
Edward Everett Hale
Sarah Josepha Buell Hale
James Hall
Fitz-Greene Halleck
Charles Graham Halpine
Murat Halstead
Alexander Hamilton
James Henry Hammond
John Hammond
Thomas Chalmers Harbaugh
Arthur Sherburne Hardy
Henry Harland
William Wallace Harney
Robert Goodloe Harper
Joel Chandler Harris
Miriam Coles Harris
Thaddeus Mason Harris
William Torrey Harris
Bret Harte
The Hartford Wits
John Rose Greene Hassard
Willis Brooks Hawkins
Francis Lister Hawks
Julian Hawthorne
Nathaniel Hawthorne
John Hay
John George Nicolay and John Hay
Isaac Israel Hayes
Paul Hamilton Hayne
Robert Young Hayne
Mayo Williamson Hazeltine
Joel Tyler Headley
Lafcadio Hearn
Frederic Henry Hedge
Michael Heilprin
Hinton Rowan Helper
Isaac Henderson
Patrick Henry
George Herbert
Henry William Herbert
Abram Stevens Hewitt
Francis Higginson
Thomas Wentworth Higginson
Charles Lotin Hildreth
Richard Hildreth
Adams Sherman Hill
George Hill
Thomas Hill
George Stillman Hillard
James Abraham Hillhouse
Burke Aaron Hinsdale
Edward Hitchcock
Roswell Dwight Hitchcock
John Henry Hobart
Charles Fenno Hoffman
Josiah Gilbert Holland
Marietta Holley
Abiel Holmes
Oliver Wendell Holmes
Edward Holyoke
St. John Honeywood
William Hooke
Thomas Hooker
Johnson J. Hooper
Lemuel Hopkins
Mark Hopkins
Samuel Hopkins
Francis Hopkinson
Joseph Hopkinson
George Washington Wright Houghton
Edward Howard House
Blanche Willis Howard
Bronson Howard
Ellen Clementine Howarth
Edgar Watson Howe
Julia Ward Howe
Elizabeth (Lloyd) Howell
William Dean Howells
Ralph Hoyt
William Hubbard
Henry Norman Hudson
Mary (Clemmer) (Ames) Hudson
John Hughes
David Humphreys
Theodore Whitefield Hunt
William Morris Hunt
Helen Thayer Hutcheson
Margaret Hutchinson
Thomas Hutchinson
Laurence Hutton
Charles Jared Ingersoll
Robert Green Ingersoll
Washington Irving
William Irving
Helen Hunt Jackson
Henry James
Henry James, Sr.
Margaret Thomson Janvier (Margaret Vandegrift)
Thomas Allibone Janvier
James Jackson Jarves
John Jay
John Jay
Joseph Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson
Lucy White Jennison (Owen Innsly)
Sarah Orne Jewett
Captain Edward Johnson
Helen Kendrick Johnson
Oliver Johnson
Robert Underwood Johnson
Rossiter Johnson
Samuel Johnson
Samuel Johnson
Virginia Wales Johnson
William Martin Johnson
Richard Malcolm Johnston
William Preston Johnston
Charles Colcock Jones, Jr.
Amanda Theodocia Jones
Hugh Jones
John Paul Jones
Thomas Jones
John Josselyn
Sylvester Judd
Emily Chubbuck Judson (Fanny Forrester)
Elisha Kent Kane
Henry Francis Keenan
Frances Anne Kemble
George Kennan
John Pendleton Kennedy
James Kent
James Benjamin Kenyon
Annie Chambers Ketchum
Francis Scott Key
Harriet McEwen Kimball
Richard Burleigh Kimball
Charles King
Clarence King
Edward King
Grace Elizabeth King
Thomas Starr King
Coates Kinney
Elizabeth Clementine Kinney
Leonard Kip
William Ingraham Kip
Ellen Warner Olney Kirk
John Foster Kirk
Caroline Matilda Stansbury Kirkland
Joseph Kirkland
Gilbert Peter Knapp
Sarah Kemble Knight
Thomas Wallace Knox
Joseph Brown Ladd
Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar
Martha Joanna Lamb
Clifford Anderson Lanier
Sidney Lanier
George Thomas Lanigan
Lucy Larcom
Augusta Larned
George Parsons Lathrop
Rose Hawthorne Lathrop (Mother Alphonsa)
Henry Laurens
Deodat Lawson
John Lawson
William Cranston Lawton
Emma Lazarus
Henry Charles Lea
Walter Learned
John Ledyard
Henry Lee III
Richard Henry Lee
Hugh Swinton Legaré
James Matthews Legaré
William Leggett
William Leighton
Charles Godfrey Leland
Eliza Leslie
Charles Edwards Lester
Letters of the Quakers
Charles Bertrand Lewis
Charlton Thomas Lewis
Tayler Lewis
Francis Lieber
Abraham Lincoln
John Blair Linn
Sarah Jane Lippincott (Grace Greenwood)
Grace Denio Litchfield
Robert R. Livingston
William Livingston
David Demarest Lloyd
David Ross Locke
Richard Adams Locke
Henry Cabot Lodge
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Samuel Longfellow
John Davis Long
Augustus Baldwin Longstreet
William Wilberforce Lord
Frederick Wadsworth Loring
Benson John Lossing
Flora Haines Loughead
Thomas Raynesford Lounsbury
Samuel Low
James Russell Lowell
Maria (White) Lowell
Robert Traill Spence Lowell
Charles Henry Lüders
Fitz Hugh Ludlow
George Lunt
William Haines Lytle
T. M.
Hamilton Wright Mabie
Harry Macarthy
William Gordon McCabe
George Brinton McClellan
Mary Greenway McClelland
Louisa Susanna Cheves McCord
Augustus Rodney Macdonough
Katharine Sherwood Bonner McDowell
William Henry McElroy
Ernest McGaffey
James Thomson McKay
Thomas MacKellar
Guy Humphrey McMaster
John Bach McMaster
John Alfred Macon
James Madison
Horace Mann
Samuel Eleazer Mann
Lewis William Mansfield
Edwin Markham
John Marshall
Thomas Francis Marshall
George Perkins Marsh
Edward Sandford Martin
Luther Martin
Caroline Atherton Mason
Major John Mason
Cotton Mather
Increase Mather
Richard Mather
Samuel Mather
Albert Mathews
Cornelius Mathews
Brander Matthews
Matthew Fontaine Maury
William Maxwell
Samuel Joseph May
Brantz Mayer
Jonathan Mayhew
William Starbuck Mayo
Grenville Mellen
Herman Melville
William Tuckey Meredith
Robert Hinckley Messinger
Harriet Mann (Olive Thorne) Miller
Joaquin (Cincinnatus Hiner) Miller
John Miller
George Richards Minot
Ormsby MacKnight Mitchel
Agnes E. Mitchell
Donald Grant Mitchell (Ik Marvel)
Edward Page Mitchell
Jonathan Mitchell
Langdon Elwyn Mitchell
Silas Weir Mitchell
Walter Mitchell
Samuel Latham Mitchill
George Edgar Montgomery
James Moody
Clement Clarke Moore
Bessie Morgan
James Appleton Morgan
William Morrell
George Pope Morris
Gouverneur Morris
Harrison Smith Morris
Ramsay Morris
John Torrey Morse, Jr.
James Herbert Morse
Samuel Finley Breese Morse
Nathaniel Morton
Sarah Wentworth Apthorp Morton
Thomas Morton
John Lothrop Motley
Louise Chandler Moulton
William Augustus Muhlenberg
Elisha Mulford
William Munford
Richard Kendall Munkittrick
Mary Noailles Murfree (Charles Egbert Craddock)
Lindley Murray
Ehrman Syme Nadal
John Neal
Negro Hymns and Songs
Robert Henry Newell
Starr Hoyt Nichols
John George Nicolay and John Hay
Nathaniel Niles
Samuel Niles
Joseph A. Nimes
Mordecai Manuel Noah
Lucretia Gray Noble
Charles Nordhoff
Andrews Norton
Charles Eliot Norton
John Norton
John Norton
Colonel Henry Norwood
Eliphalet Nott
James Noyes
Nicholas Noyes
Edgar Wilson (Bill) Nye
Urian Oakes
Fitz-James O’Brien
Michael O’Connor
William Douglas O’Connor
Jonathan Odell
Theodore O’Hara
Frederick Law Olmsted
John Boyle O’Reilly
Caroline Frances Orne
John Osborn
Frances Sargent Osgood
Kate Putnam Osgood
Samuel Osgood
Harrison Gray Otis
James Otis
Robert Dale Owen
Thomas Nelson Page
Robert Treat Paine, Jr.
Thomas Paine
John Gorham Palfrey
John Williamson Palmer
Ray Palmer
Theodore Parker
Francis Parkman
George Frederic Parsons
Thomas William Parsons
James Parton
James Kirke Paulding
John Howard Payne
William Morton Payne
Andrew Preston Peabody
Oliver William Bourne Peabody
William Bourne Oliver Peabody
Rembrandt Peale
Harry Thurston Peck
Samuel Minturn Peck
Benjamin Peirce
Samuel Penhallow
William Penn
Isaac Rusling Pennypacker
James Gates Percival
George Percy
George Perry
Nora Perry
Thomas Sergeant Perry
Samuel Peters
Henry Peterson
Charles Henry Phelps
William Walter Phelps
Wendell Phillips
John James Piatt
Sarah Morgan Bryan Piatt
Timothy Pickering
John Pierpont
Albert Pike
Frederick Henry Pilch
Eliza Lucas Pinckney
Edward Coate Pinkney
Ninian Pinkney
William Pinkney
William Pitt, Earl of Chatham
Florus Beardsley Plimpton
Edgar Allan Poe
Edward Pollock
Maria Louise Pool
Horace Porter
Noah Porter
John Pory
Horatio Nelson Powers
George Denison Prentice
Seargent Smith Prentiss
Mary Newmarch Prescott
William Hickling Prescott
Harriet Waters Preston
Margaret Junkin Preston
Samuel Irenæus Prime
William Cowper Prime
Thomas Prince
Edna Dean Proctor
David Law Proudfit
Roger Atkinson Pryor
George Haven Putnam
Mary Traill Spence Lowell Putnam
Howard Pyle
The Quaker Petition
Edmund Quincy
Josiah Quincy
Josiah Quincy
Josiah Quincy, Jr.
James Ralph
David Ramsay
James Ryder Randall
Anson Davies Fitz Randolph
John Randolph
Sir John Randolph
William Ray
Henry Jarvis Raymond
Rossiter Worthington Raymond
Thomas Buchanan Read
Richard Realf
Red Jacket
Henry Reed
Lizette Woodworth Reese
Whitelaw Reid
Revolutionary Songs and Ballads
Albert Deane Richardson
Charles Francis Richardson
Hiram Rich
Richard Rich
William Henry Rideing
John Clark Ridpath
James Whitcomb Riley
Roger Riordan
George Ripley
Roswell Sabine Ripley
James Rivington
Sarah Roberts
Annie Douglas (Green) Robinson
Edward Robinson
Tracy Robinson
James Jeffrey Roche
Edward Payson Roe
John Rogers
John Rolfe
Alice Wellington Rollins
Theodore Roosevelt
George Frederick Root
Aquila Rose
Mary Rowlandson
Susanna Rowson
Benjamin Rush
Irwin Russell
Abram Joseph Ryan
Adoniram Judson Sage
Francis Saltus Saltus
Edgar Evertson Saltus
Franklin Benjamin Sanborn
John Sanderson
Robert Charles Sands
Margaret Elizabeth Sangster
Epes Sargent
Minot Judson Savage
Charles Carroll Sawyer
John Godfrey Saxe
Andrew Bice Saxton
The Saybrook Platform
Noted Sayings, Part I
Noted Sayings, Part II
Noted Sayings, Part III
Philip Schaff
Henry Rowe Schoolcraft
James Schouler
Carl Schurz
Eugene Schuyler
Clinton Scollard
Joshua Scottow
Horace Elisha Scudder
Nicholas Scull
Laura Redden Searing (Howard Glyndon)
Edmund Hamilton Sears
John Seccomb
Catharine Maria Sedgwick
Harriet Winslow Sewall
Jonathan Mitchel Sewall
Samuel Sewall
William Henry Seward
Charles Dawson Shanly
John Shaw
John Gilmary Shea
William Greenough Thayer Shedd
Thomas Shepard
Nathaniel Graham Shepherd
Philip Henry Sheridan
Frank Dempster Sherman
William Tecumseh Sherman
Benjamin Penhallow Shillaber
Charles Howard Shinn
Milicent Washburn Shinn
William Steele Shurtleff
Lydia Huntley Sigourney
Edward Rowland Sill
William Gilmore Simms
Annie Trumbull Slosson
George Washburn Smalley
Susan Dabney Smedes
Abigail Adams Smith
Arabella (Belle) Eugenie Smith
Elihu Hubbard Smith
Elizabeth Oakes Smith
Florence Smith
Gerrit Smith
Captain John Smith
May Riley Smith
Samuel Francis Smith
Seba Smith
Stephen Decatur Smith, Jr.
William Smith
Denton Jaques Snider
Jared Sparks
Harriet Prescott Spofford
Charles Sprague
William Buell Sprague
Ephraim George Squier
Henry Morton Stanley
Joseph Stansbury
Mary Anna Phinney Stansbury
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Orth Harper Stein
Alexander Hamilton Stephens
Ann Sophia Stephens
John Lloyd Stephens
William Stephens
Abel Stevens
Thaddeus Stevens
Ezra Stiles
William James Stillman
Frederic Jesup Stimson
William Stith
Frank Richard Stockton
Charles Warren Stoddard
Elizabeth Drew Barstow Stoddard
Lavinia Stoddard
Richard Henry Stoddard
William Osborn Stoddard
John Augustus Stone
Samuel Stone
William Leete Stone
Richard Salter Storrs
Joseph Story
William Wetmore Story
Harriet Beecher Stowe
William Strachey
Alfred Billings Street
Josiah Strong
Moses Stuart
Russell Sturgis
Thomas Russell Sullivan
William Sullivan
Charles Sumner
William Graham Sumner
David Swing
John Swinton
William Swinton
Thomas Symmes
William Bingham Tappan
Bayard Taylor
Benjamin Franklin Taylor
Tabitha Tenney
Mary Virginia Hawes Terhune (Marion Harland)
Anthony Thacher
James Thacher
Celia Laighton Thaxter
Stephen Henry Thayer
William Roscoe Thayer (Paul Hermes)
Edith Matilda Thomas
Frederick William Thomas
Gabriel Thomas
Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford
Daniel Pierce Thompson
John Thompson
John Randolph Thompson
Maurice Thompson
William Tappan Thompson
Henry David Thoreau
Thomas Bangs Thorpe
Francis Orrery Ticknor
George Ticknor
Theodore Tilton
Henry Timrod
Mary Agnes Tincker
Alexis de Tocqueville
John Todd
Benjamin Tompson
Robert Toombs
Albion Winegar Tourgée
George Makepeace Towle
George Alfred Townsend
Mary Ashley Townsend
Amélie Rives Troubetzkoy
John Townsend Trowbridge
James Hammond Trumbull
John Trumbull
John Trumbull
Bayard Tuckerman
Henry Theodore Tuckerman
Nathaniel Beverley Tucker
St. George Tucker
William Tudor
Ebenezer and Jane Turell
Mark Twain (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
Moses Coit Tyler
Royall Tyler
Captain John Underhill
Charles Wentworth Upham
George Melville Upton
Mariana Griswold Van Rensselaer
William Henry Venable
Gulian Crommelin Verplanck
Verse of the French and Indian War
Jones Very
Marvin Richardson Vincent
Benjamin Wadsworth
Amasa Walker
Francis Amasa Walker
Robert John Walker
Horace Binney Wallace
Lewis Wallace
William Ross Wallace
Thomas Walley
Robert Walsh
Jeannette Ritchie Hadermann Walworth
Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward
Nathaniel Ward
Samuel Ward
William Hayes Ward
Henry Ware, Jr.
William Ware
George E. Waring, Jr.
Charles Dudley Warner
Susan Warner
Emily Warre
Joseph Warren
Mercy Otis Warren
George Washington
David Atwood Wasson
Elkanah Watson
John Fanning Watson
Henry Watterson
Francis Wayland
Charles Henry Webb
Daniel Webster
Daniel Webster
Noah Webster
Thurlow Weed
Robert Kelley Weeks
Mason Locke Weems
John Weiss
Amelia B. Welby
Philip Henry Welch
Thomas Weld
David Ames Wells
Barrett Wendell
Phillis Wheatley
Henry Wheaton
Captain Thomas Wheeler
Edwin Percy Whipple
James Abbott McNeill Whistler
Alexander Whitaker
Frances Miriam Whitcher
Andrew Dickson White
Horace White
Richard Grant White
William White
Charles Goodrich Whiting
Sarah Helen Power Whitman
Walt Whitman
Adeline Dutton Train Whitney
Anne Whitney
William Dwight Whitney
James Morris Whiton
Elizabeth Hussey Whittier
John Greenleaf Whittier
Michael Wigglesworth
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Richard Henry Wilde
Samuel Wilkeson
James Wilkinson
William Cleaver Wilkinson
Emma Hart Willard
Samuel Willard
Francis Howard Williams
George Washington Williams
John Williams
Roger Williams
Nathaniel Parker Willis
Forceythe Willson
Alexander Wilson
Epiphanius Wilson
Henry Wilson
James Wilson
Robert Burns Wilson
Alexander Winchell
Edward Winslow
Justin Winsor
William Winter
John Winthrop
John Winthrop
Margaret Tyndal Winthrop
Theodore Winthrop
William Wirt
Henry Augustus Wise
Isaac Mayer Wise
John Wise
John Witherspoon
Roger Wolcott
Charles Wolley
George Wood
William Wood
George Edward Woodberry
Benjamin Woodbridge
Levi Woodbury
Kate Tannatt Woods
Samuel Woodworth
Benjamin Edward Woolf
John Woolman
Sarah Chauncey Woolsey (Susan Coolidge)
Theodore Dwight Woolsey
Constance Fenimore Woolson
Noah Worcester
Henry Clay Work
Katherine Prescott Wormeley
Francis Yonge
Edward Livingston Youmans
Charles Augustus Young
William Young