Stedman and Hutchinson, comps. A Library of American Literature:
An Anthology in Eleven Volumes. 1891.
Vols. IX–XI: Literature of the Republic, Part IV., 1861–1889
“Hoc Erat in Votis”
By George Washington Doane (1799–1859)T
A Parsonage, in a sweet garden’s shade;
The Church adjoining, with its ivied tower;
A peal of bells, a clock to tell the hour;
A rustic flock, to feed from day to day,
And kneel with them, at morn, and eve, and pray.
He, who “doth all things well,” denied my prayer,
And bade me take th’ Apostle’s staff and bear,
The scattered sheep o’er hill and dale pursue,
Feed the old flocks and gather in the new;
Count ease, and health, and life, and all things loss,
So I make known the blessed bleeding Cross.
These quiet scenes, that never can be mine,
This home-bred happiness, dear friend! be thine;
Each choicest gift, and influence from above,
Descend on thee, and all that share thy love;
Peace, which the world gives not, nor can destroy,
The prelibation of eternal joy.