Stedman and Hutchinson, comps. A Library of American Literature:
An Anthology in Eleven Volumes. 1891.
Vols. IX–XI: Literature of the Republic, Part IV., 1861–1889
By Laura Redden Searing (Howard Glyndon) (1840–1923)O
So bitter in the end!
Thou canst be fiercest foe,
As well as fairest friend.
Are these poor, withered leaves
The fruitage of thy May?
Thou that wert strong to save,
How art thou swift to slay!
Despite thy kiss and clasp,
Thy long, caressing look,
Thy subtle, thrilling grasp!
Ay, swifter far to slay
Than thou art strong to save,
And selfish in thy need,
And cruel as the grave.
Go, go, and come no more!
But, canst thou set my heart
Just where it was before?
Go, go,—and come no more!
Go, leave me with my tears,
The only gift of thine
That shall outlive the years.
One other, cherished thing,
Slight as a vagrant plume
Shed from some passing wing:—
The memory of thy first
Divine, half-timid kiss.
Go! I forgive thee all
In weeping over this!