Frank J. Wilstach, comp. A Dictionary of Similes. 1916.
Category IndexQuail to Stick
- Quail
- Quake
- Quarrel
- Quarrelsome
- Queer
- Quench
- Querulous
- Question
- Quick
- Quickening
- Quickly
- Quiet
- Quieted
- Quietly
- Quietness
- Quiver
- Race
- Radiant
- Radiate
- Rage (Noun)
- Rage (Verb)
- Ragged
- Rail
- Raillery
- Railroads
- Rally
- Rampant
- Ran
- Random
- Rang
- Rank
- Rankle
- Ransack
- Rapacious
- Rapid
- Rapidly
- Rapt
- Rapture
- Rare
- Rash
- Rattle
- Rave
- Ravenous
- Ravish
- Ravishment
- Raw
- Rayless
- Reach
- React
- Reader
- Readily
- Reading
- Ready
- Real
- Reality
- Reason
- Reasonable
- Rebellious
- Recede
- Reckless
- Reclined
- Recognition
- Recoil
- Recreation
- Red
- Redolent
- Reek
- Reel
- Refines
- Reflection
- Reform
- Refresh
- Refreshing
- Regal
- Regretted
- Regular
- Regularly
- Rejoice
- Relations
- Relax
- Relent
- Relentless
- Reliable
- Religion
- Reluctantly
- Rely
- Remain
- Remorseless
- Remorselessly
- Remote
- Removes
- Rend
- Renew
- Renewable
- Renowned
- Rent
- Repeating
- Repel
- Repellent
- Repelling
- Repetition
- Repose (Noun)
- Repose (Verb)
- Reposeful
- Reproduce
- Reproof
- Reputation
- Repute
- Requisite
- Resembles
- Resistless
- Resolute
- Resound
- Resourceful
- Respectable
- Resplendent
- Respond
- Responsive
- Rest
- Restless
- Restoration
- Restored
- Restraint
- Retain
- Retire
- Retreat
- Return
- Revealed
- Revel
- Reverend
- Reverential
- Reverently
- Reverie
- Revive
- Reviving
- Revolve
- Rheumatic
- Rhythmic
- Rich
- Riches
- Riddle
- Ride
- Ridiculous
- Ridgy
- Rife
- Right
- Righteous
- Righteousness
- Rigid
- Ring
- Ringed
- Ripe
- Ripen
- Rippled
- Rise
- Roam
- Roar (Noun)
- Roar (Verb)
- Robber
- Robust
- Rock
- Roll
- Romans
- Romantic
- Root
- Rosy
- Rot
- Rotten
- Rotting
- Rough
- Round (Adjective)
- Round (Adverb)
- Round-Shouldered
- Rouse
- Rousing
- Routed
- Rows
- Ruddy
- Rude
- Ruffles
- Rugged
- Ruin
- Ruinous
- Rule (Noun)
- Rule (Verb)
- Rumbling
- Ruminate
- Rumor
- Run
- Rush (Noun)
- Rush (Verb)
- Russia
- Rustle (Noun)
- Rustle (Verb)
- Ruthless
- Ruthlessly
- Sacred
- Sad
- Sadness
- Safe
- Sag
- Saggy
- Sagacious
- Sage
- Sail
- Sallow
- Salt
- Salute
- Sane
- Sanguine
- Sank
- Sap
- Sarcasm
- Satire
- Saucy
- Saunters
- Savage
- Sayings
- Scald
- Scamper
- Scandal
- Scant
- Scanty
- Scarce
- Scare
- Scared
- Scarlet
- Scars
- Scathe
- Scatter
- Scenery
- Scented
- Sceptics
- Science
- Scintillate
- Scold (Noun)
- Scold (Verb)
- Scorch
- Scorn
- Scornful
- Scowl
- Scramble
- Scratching
- Scream
- Scribbler
- Scruple
- Scud
- Scuttle
- Sealed
- Seamed
- Sear
- Seasonable
- Seasoned
- Seclude
- Secrecy
- Secret (Adjective)
- Secret (Noun)
- Secretly
- Secure
- Sedate
- Seedy
- Seek
- Seemly
- Seethe
- Selfish
- Self-praise
- Sense
- Senses
- Senseless
- Sensibility
- Sensitive
- Sensual
- Sensuous
- Sentences
- Sentiment
- Separate
- Sere
- Serene
- Serenely
- Serious
- Serviceable
- Set
- Settlements
- Sever
- Severe
- Shabby
- Shade
- Shadow
- Shadowy
- Shadowless
- Shady
- Shake
- Shaky
- Shallow
- Shame (Noun)
- Shame (Verb)
- Shameful
- Shameless
- Shaped
- Shapeless
- Sharp
- Sharply
- Shatter
- Shed
- Sheer
- Shelter
- Shield
- Shift
- Shifty
- Shimmer
- Shine
- Ship
- Shiver
- Shock
- Shook
- Shoot
- Shorn
- Short
- Shout
- Shrew
- Shrewish
- Shriek (Noun)
- Shriek (Verb)
- Shrill
- Shrink
- Shrivel
- Shriveled
- Shrouded
- Shudder (Noun)
- Shudder (Verb)
- Shun
- Shut
- Shy
- Sick
- Sickly
- Side
- Sideways
- Side by Side
- Sift
- Sigh (Noun)
- Sigh (Verb)
- Silence
- Silenced
- Silent
- Silently
- Silly
- Silvery
- Simile
- Simmer
- Simper
- Simple
- Simply
- Sin
- Sincere
- Sinew
- Sinful
- Sing
- Single
- Singly
- Sinister
- Sink
- Sinless
- Sit
- Skeptic
- Skilless
- Skim
- Skinny
- Skip
- Skulk
- Slacken
- Slain
- Slam
- Slander
- Slanderous
- Slash
- Slaughter
- Slay
- Sleek
- Sleep (Noun)
- Sleep (Verb)
- Sleepless
- Slender
- Slick
- Slide
- Slight
- Slighted
- Slink
- Slip
- Slippery
- Slope
- Sloth
- Slow
- Slowly
- Sluggish
- Slumber
- Sly
- Slyly
- Smack
- Small
- Smart (Adjective)
- Smart (Verb)
- Smashed
- Smell
- Smile (Noun)
- Smile (Verb)
- Smirk
- Smite
- Smoke
- Smoky
- Smooth
- Smoothly
- Smothered
- Smudged
- Smug
- Snap
- Snappy
- Snarl
- Sniff
- Snigger
- Snobbishness
- Snore
- Snort
- Snug
- Soar
- Sob
- Sober
- Sociable
- Society
- Soft
- Softly
- Softness
- Soil
- Soilless
- Soldier
- Solemn
- Solemnly
- Solid
- Solitary
- Solitude
- Sombre
- Song
- Sonorous
- Soothe
- Soothing
- Soothingly
- Sophistry
- Sore
- Sorrow
- Soubrette
- Soul
- Soulless
- Sound (Adjective)
- Sound (Verb)
- Soundless
- Sour
- Sovereign
- Spacious
- Spangle
- Sparkle
- Spasm
- Spattering
- Speak
- Speck
- Speckled
- Speech
- Speechless
- Speed
- Speedy
- Spellbound
- Spent
- Spicy
- Spin
- Spineless
- Spirit
- Spiritual
- Spirituality
- Spit
- Spiteful
- Splashed
- Splendid
- Splendor
- Splinter
- Split
- Splotched
- Spontaneous
- Sported
- Spotted
- Spotless
- Spouting
- Sprawl
- Spread
- Sprightly
- Spring (Verb)
- Spring (Noun)
- Sprinkled
- Sprout
- Spruce
- Spry
- Spunky
- Spurn
- Sputter
- Squabble
- Squalid
- Squat (Adjective)
- Squat (Verb)
- Squeak
- Squirm
- Stable
- Stagger
- Stain
- Stained
- Stainless
- Stale
- Stalk
- Stamp
- Stand
- Starch
- Stare (Noun)
- Stare (Verb)
- Stark
- Start
- Startle
- State
- Stately
- Statesman
- Stationary
- Staunch
- Stay (Noun)
- Stay (Verb)
- Steadfast
- Steadfastly
- Steady
- Steadily
- Steadiness
- Steal
- Stealthily
- Stealthy
- Steep
- Steaming
- Stern
- Stick