
Home  »  A Dictionary of Similes  »  Quail to Stick

Frank J. Wilstach, comp. A Dictionary of Similes. 1916.

Category Index

Quail to Stick

  1. Quail
  2. Quake
  3. Quarrel
  4. Quarrelsome
  5. Queer
  6. Quench
  7. Querulous
  8. Question
  9. Quick
  10. Quickening
  11. Quickly
  12. Quiet
  13. Quieted
  14. Quietly
  15. Quietness
  16. Quiver
  17. Race
  18. Radiant
  19. Radiate
  20. Rage (Noun)
  21. Rage (Verb)
  22. Ragged
  23. Rail
  24. Raillery
  25. Railroads
  26. Rally
  27. Rampant
  28. Ran
  29. Random
  30. Rang
  31. Rank
  32. Rankle
  33. Ransack
  34. Rapacious
  35. Rapid
  36. Rapidly
  37. Rapt
  38. Rapture
  39. Rare
  40. Rash
  41. Rattle
  42. Rave
  43. Ravenous
  44. Ravish
  45. Ravishment
  46. Raw
  47. Rayless
  48. Reach
  49. React
  50. Reader
  51. Readily
  52. Reading
  53. Ready
  54. Real
  55. Reality
  56. Reason
  57. Reasonable
  58. Rebellious
  59. Recede
  60. Reckless
  61. Reclined
  62. Recognition
  63. Recoil
  64. Recreation
  65. Red
  66. Redolent
  67. Reek
  68. Reel
  69. Refines
  70. Reflection
  71. Reform
  72. Refresh
  73. Refreshing
  74. Regal
  75. Regretted
  76. Regular
  77. Regularly
  78. Rejoice
  79. Relations
  80. Relax
  81. Relent
  82. Relentless
  83. Reliable
  84. Religion
  85. Reluctantly
  86. Rely
  87. Remain
  88. Remorseless
  89. Remorselessly
  90. Remote
  91. Removes
  92. Rend
  93. Renew
  94. Renewable
  95. Renowned
  96. Rent
  97. Repeating
  98. Repel
  99. Repellent
  100. Repelling
  101. Repetition
  102. Repose (Noun)
  103. Repose (Verb)
  104. Reposeful
  105. Reproduce
  106. Reproof
  107. Reputation
  108. Repute
  109. Requisite
  110. Resembles
  111. Resistless
  112. Resolute
  113. Resound
  114. Resourceful
  115. Respectable
  116. Resplendent
  117. Respond
  118. Responsive
  119. Rest
  120. Restless
  121. Restoration
  122. Restored
  123. Restraint
  124. Retain
  125. Retire
  126. Retreat
  127. Return
  128. Revealed
  129. Revel
  130. Reverend
  131. Reverential
  132. Reverently
  133. Reverie
  134. Revive
  135. Reviving
  136. Revolve
  137. Rheumatic
  138. Rhythmic
  139. Rich
  140. Riches
  141. Riddle
  142. Ride
  143. Ridiculous
  144. Ridgy
  145. Rife
  146. Right
  147. Righteous
  148. Righteousness
  149. Rigid
  150. Ring
  151. Ringed
  152. Ripe
  153. Ripen
  154. Rippled
  155. Rise
  156. Roam
  157. Roar (Noun)
  158. Roar (Verb)
  159. Robber
  160. Robust
  161. Rock
  162. Roll
  163. Romans
  164. Romantic
  165. Root
  166. Rosy
  167. Rot
  168. Rotten
  169. Rotting
  170. Rough
  171. Round (Adjective)
  172. Round (Adverb)
  173. Round-Shouldered
  174. Rouse
  175. Rousing
  176. Routed
  177. Rows
  178. Ruddy
  179. Rude
  180. Ruffles
  181. Rugged
  182. Ruin
  183. Ruinous
  184. Rule (Noun)
  185. Rule (Verb)
  186. Rumbling
  187. Ruminate
  188. Rumor
  189. Run
  190. Rush (Noun)
  191. Rush (Verb)
  192. Russia
  193. Rustle (Noun)
  194. Rustle (Verb)
  195. Ruthless
  196. Ruthlessly
  197. Sacred
  198. Sad
  199. Sadness
  200. Safe
  201. Sag
  202. Saggy
  203. Sagacious
  204. Sage
  205. Sail
  206. Sallow
  207. Salt
  208. Salute
  209. Sane
  210. Sanguine
  211. Sank
  212. Sap
  213. Sarcasm
  214. Satire
  215. Saucy
  216. Saunters
  217. Savage
  218. Sayings
  219. Scald
  220. Scamper
  221. Scandal
  222. Scant
  223. Scanty
  224. Scarce
  225. Scare
  226. Scared
  227. Scarlet
  228. Scars
  229. Scathe
  230. Scatter
  231. Scenery
  232. Scented
  233. Sceptics
  234. Science
  235. Scintillate
  236. Scold (Noun)
  237. Scold (Verb)
  238. Scorch
  239. Scorn
  240. Scornful
  241. Scowl
  242. Scramble
  243. Scratching
  244. Scream
  245. Scribbler
  246. Scruple
  247. Scud
  248. Scuttle
  249. Sealed
  250. Seamed
  251. Sear
  252. Seasonable
  253. Seasoned
  254. Seclude
  255. Secrecy
  256. Secret (Adjective)
  257. Secret (Noun)
  258. Secretly
  259. Secure
  260. Sedate
  261. Seedy
  262. Seek
  263. Seemly
  264. Seethe
  265. Selfish
  266. Self-praise
  267. Sense
  268. Senses
  269. Senseless
  270. Sensibility
  271. Sensitive
  272. Sensual
  273. Sensuous
  274. Sentences
  275. Sentiment
  276. Separate
  277. Sere
  278. Serene
  279. Serenely
  280. Serious
  281. Serviceable
  282. Set
  283. Settlements
  284. Sever
  285. Severe
  286. Shabby
  287. Shade
  288. Shadow
  289. Shadowy
  290. Shadowless
  291. Shady
  292. Shake
  293. Shaky
  294. Shallow
  295. Shame (Noun)
  296. Shame (Verb)
  297. Shameful
  298. Shameless
  299. Shaped
  300. Shapeless
  301. Sharp
  302. Sharply
  303. Shatter
  304. Shed
  305. Sheer
  306. Shelter
  307. Shield
  308. Shift
  309. Shifty
  310. Shimmer
  311. Shine
  312. Ship
  313. Shiver
  314. Shock
  315. Shook
  316. Shoot
  317. Shorn
  318. Short
  319. Shout
  320. Shrew
  321. Shrewish
  322. Shriek (Noun)
  323. Shriek (Verb)
  324. Shrill
  325. Shrink
  326. Shrivel
  327. Shriveled
  328. Shrouded
  329. Shudder (Noun)
  330. Shudder (Verb)
  331. Shun
  332. Shut
  333. Shy
  334. Sick
  335. Sickly
  336. Side
  337. Sideways
  338. Side by Side
  339. Sift
  340. Sigh (Noun)
  341. Sigh (Verb)
  342. Silence
  343. Silenced
  344. Silent
  345. Silently
  346. Silly
  347. Silvery
  348. Simile
  349. Simmer
  350. Simper
  351. Simple
  352. Simply
  353. Sin
  354. Sincere
  355. Sinew
  356. Sinful
  357. Sing
  358. Single
  359. Singly
  360. Sinister
  361. Sink
  362. Sinless
  363. Sit
  364. Skeptic
  365. Skilless
  366. Skim
  367. Skinny
  368. Skip
  369. Skulk
  370. Slacken
  371. Slain
  372. Slam
  373. Slander
  374. Slanderous
  375. Slash
  376. Slaughter
  377. Slay
  378. Sleek
  379. Sleep (Noun)
  380. Sleep (Verb)
  381. Sleepless
  382. Slender
  383. Slick
  384. Slide
  385. Slight
  386. Slighted
  387. Slink
  388. Slip
  389. Slippery
  390. Slope
  391. Sloth
  392. Slow
  393. Slowly
  394. Sluggish
  395. Slumber
  396. Sly
  397. Slyly
  398. Smack
  399. Small
  400. Smart (Adjective)
  401. Smart (Verb)
  402. Smashed
  403. Smell
  404. Smile (Noun)
  405. Smile (Verb)
  406. Smirk
  407. Smite
  408. Smoke
  409. Smoky
  410. Smooth
  411. Smoothly
  412. Smothered
  413. Smudged
  414. Smug
  415. Snap
  416. Snappy
  417. Snarl
  418. Sniff
  419. Snigger
  420. Snobbishness
  421. Snore
  422. Snort
  423. Snug
  424. Soar
  425. Sob
  426. Sober
  427. Sociable
  428. Society
  429. Soft
  430. Softly
  431. Softness
  432. Soil
  433. Soilless
  434. Soldier
  435. Solemn
  436. Solemnly
  437. Solid
  438. Solitary
  439. Solitude
  440. Sombre
  441. Song
  442. Sonorous
  443. Soothe
  444. Soothing
  445. Soothingly
  446. Sophistry
  447. Sore
  448. Sorrow
  449. Soubrette
  450. Soul
  451. Soulless
  452. Sound (Adjective)
  453. Sound (Verb)
  454. Soundless
  455. Sour
  456. Sovereign
  457. Spacious
  458. Spangle
  459. Sparkle
  460. Spasm
  461. Spattering
  462. Speak
  463. Speck
  464. Speckled
  465. Speech
  466. Speechless
  467. Speed
  468. Speedy
  469. Spellbound
  470. Spent
  471. Spicy
  472. Spin
  473. Spineless
  474. Spirit
  475. Spiritual
  476. Spirituality
  477. Spit
  478. Spiteful
  479. Splashed
  480. Splendid
  481. Splendor
  482. Splinter
  483. Split
  484. Splotched
  485. Spontaneous
  486. Sported
  487. Spotted
  488. Spotless
  489. Spouting
  490. Sprawl
  491. Spread
  492. Sprightly
  493. Spring (Verb)
  494. Spring (Noun)
  495. Sprinkled
  496. Sprout
  497. Spruce
  498. Spry
  499. Spunky
  500. Spurn
  501. Sputter
  502. Squabble
  503. Squalid
  504. Squat (Adjective)
  505. Squat (Verb)
  506. Squeak
  507. Squirm
  508. Stable
  509. Stagger
  510. Stain
  511. Stained
  512. Stainless
  513. Stale
  514. Stalk
  515. Stamp
  516. Stand
  517. Starch
  518. Stare (Noun)
  519. Stare (Verb)
  520. Stark
  521. Start
  522. Startle
  523. State
  524. Stately
  525. Statesman
  526. Stationary
  527. Staunch
  528. Stay (Noun)
  529. Stay (Verb)
  530. Steadfast
  531. Steadfastly
  532. Steady
  533. Steadily
  534. Steadiness
  535. Steal
  536. Stealthily
  537. Stealthy
  538. Steep
  539. Steaming
  540. Stern
  541. Stick