J. C. Squire, ed. A Book of Women’s Verse. 1921.
By Elizabeth (Singer) Rowe (1674–1737)To a Friend who Persuades me to Leave the Muse
Of your ill-natur’d prophecy I’ll write;
And for the future paint my thoughts at large,
I waste no paper at the Hundred’s charge:
I rob no neighb’ring geese of quills, nor slink,
For a collection, to the church for ink:
Beside, my Muse is the most gentle thing
That ever yet made an attempt to sing:
I call no lady punk, nor gallants fops,
Nor set the married world an edge for ropes;
Yet I’m so nat’rally inclin’d to rhyming,
That undesign’d, my thoughts burst out a-chiming;
My active genius will by no means sleep,
Pray let it then its proper channel keep.
I’ve told you, and you may believe me too,
That I must this, or greater mischief do;
And let the world think me inspir’d or mad,
I’ll surely write whilst paper ’s to be had.