J. C. Squire, ed. A Book of Women’s Verse. 1921.
By Susanna Blamire (1747–1794)Song: “And ye shall walk in silk attire”
And siller ha’e to spare,
Gin ye’ll consent to be his bride,
Nor think o’ Donald mair.
Oh, wha wad buy a silken goun
Wi’ a puir broken heart?
Or what ’s to me a siller crown,
Gin frae my love I part?
Far dearer is to me;
And ere I’m forced to break my faith,
I’ll lay me down and dee:
For I ha’e pledged my virgin troth
Brave Donald’s fate to share.
And he has gi’en to me his heart,
Wi a’ its virtues rare.
He gratefu’ took the gift;
Could I but think to tak’ it back,
It wad be waur than theft.
For langest life can ne’er repay
The love he bears to me;
And ere I’m forced to break my troth
I’ll lay me down and dee.