
Zappos Vs. American Express

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Group Research Paper – Zappos Vs American Express
Presented by:
Olamilekan Daramola
Indira Alla- 10000125166 - MIS
Meerim Zhumasheva

Virginia International University
Submitted in partial fulfillment for BUSS312 – Organizational theory and HR management
Instructor Name: Bonnie Heineman Wolfe
November 18, 2014.

1. Introduction
1..1 Zappos
1.2 American Express
2. HR Strategy and Analysis
2.1Types of Strategy Zappos: American Express:
3. Job Analysis and Talent Management
3.1 Talent Management Process Zappos: American Express:
3.2 Method for Collecting Job Analysis Zappos: American Express:
3.3 Workforce Planning Zappos: American Express:
3.4 Recruitment Techniques Zappos: American Express:
4. Employee Training and …show more content…

It also provides training to develop the employees in public speaking. It provides training and mentorship to the employees to ensure that any employee in the company can reach the senior level in five to seven years.
American Express: After the comprehensive training, American Express provides continuous upgraded training for the employees throughout their career in order to ensure the improvement in their professional abilities and to foster personal growth. Amex continuously tries to provide more career options and more sophisticated pay-for-performance system. Professional development of the employees of Amex is ensured by putting them into formal class instruction to job rotation, assignment sharing and cross-border training and business-unit opportunities, to career counseling to professional networking.
4.2 Management Development Programs
Zappos: Zappos is an online retailer for shoes and clothing. Hence merchandising techniques are very important part of its business. Therefore, Zappos gives its employees a three-year merchant development program where merchandising assistants are trained, certified, and given increasing portfolio responsibilities as well as they are put into management and leadership roles. They even created a department specifically for employee development, ZapposU. ZapposU mainly focuses on Project Culture, Public Speaking, Finance and Communication which helps

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