Unit 505 Working in partnership in Health and Social care or children and young people’s settings Outcome 1 1.1 Identify the features of effective partnership working A partnership is an arrangement between two or more groups, organizations or individuals who work together to achieve common aims or who have common interests. It is sometimes applied to situations where one powerful organization is doing no more than consulting with others, or where one organization is simply buying something off another. Partnerships usually have the following characteristics … * All the parties involved have some sort of personal stake in the partnership * All the partners are working towards a common aim * The partners have a …show more content…
And to plan service strategies, working together, that enable packages to be delivered. Well planned partnerships are one of the best ways of improving the quality of services particularly to vulnerable individuals whose needs may otherwise be neglected. Example of partnership working: In 1993 The Wessex project was set up by local Social Services, probation service, prison service and NHS. It aimed to ensure that offenders with mental health problems started using community services as soon as they were released from prison. In the early stages the different agencies found it hard to respond in a co-ordinated way to individual’s needs because they were too focused on their own professional agency’s perspective. During the project, it was found that a lot more people had mental health problems than was first known. Around one quarter of people in prison were found to have a history of mental health problems and one third of those on remand. After 3 years, the barriers had been broken down and agencies were working alongside one another. Networks were developed to exchange information and partnership working had become routine. The formal partnership structure was no longer necessary and was dissolved. The Health and Social Care Act 2008 established the Care Quality Commission regarding the management of adult social care providers. They set codes of practice which in April 2010 became outcomes.
Partnership is when two or more organisations work together, showing cooperation and collaboration. This can provide better care and support for service users. For example, different funds working together, instead of working individually and stressing. Another example, a social worker and the health visitor will need to work together, share ideas and use different skills to develop a support plan that will benefit children and families. This also promotes multi-disciplinary working. Partnership thus can reduce conflicts and enhance team working skills as professionals can work together, sharing responsibilities and ensuring need led approaches are met and set. This can be done by reviewing care plans and offering support.
These factors reduce the risk of abuse when multi-agency working as the legal framework ensures all staff and care professionals involved in providing care protect and safeguard their patients, it also ensures all professionals deliver high-quality care. These guarantees the quality of care provided is effective, safe and assures the patient has had a positive experience.
It’s important so that care homes or environments are run in accordance with legislations. So staff adhere to agreed standards and regulations at all times. It also means that service users will not be put at any risk.
Recognising that working with people is a partnership rather than a relationship controlled by professionals
Exemplification Failures Harold Shipman inquiry Look in newspaper archives – national and local for examples Sources of Information Local authority Adult Services Dept (Social Services) Manager Policies and Procedures Internet Books Care Quality Commission Independent Safeguarding Authority
The Care Quality Commission makes sure that hospitals, care homes, dental and GP surgeries, and all other care services in England provide people with safe, effective, compassionate and high quality care, and they encourage these services to make improvements.
The Health and Social Care Act. (2012), is to bring the NHS to the 21st century to meet the challenge facing it and safeguarding its future. Help professionals at the centre of commissioning.
The funding mechanisms for social care services enable service user’s access to a range of services to support themselves in their own homes, institutional care and hospitals. In terms of finances a legislative framework was introduced, resources were transferred from the National Health Service and the Department of Social Security to local authorities, and social work departments were given a key role in the planning, assessment and commissioning of community care services.
Department of Health (DH) (2001). National Service Framework for Older People. London: Department of Health.
A partnership is an arrangement between two or more groups, organizations or individuals to work together
Others people may be able to provide useful information to support you in your work and you may be able to provide useful information to support them in being part of the individual’s lives. This is good partnership working. If there are communication difficulties with service users a carer or family member can share information with you about how you can best communicate with an individual.
According to a 2006 Bureau of Justice Statistics report found that over half of the inmates in both prisons and in jails had a problem concerning their mental health (James & Glaze, 2006). The estimates in this report were separated by federal prisons, which contained 45 percent of inmates suffering from mental illness, 56 percent in state prisons, and
To improve partnership working we all have to focus on the purpose of our job role which is to provide best care and support to improve individual’s life, health and wellbeing. Standard ways to maintain good partnership working are as follows-
As a whole, literature on the topic of mental illness in our country and specifically in our criminal justice system had a reoccurring theme. There are millions of individuals who suffer from mental illness but are improperly being handled through the criminal justice system. These individuals are deemed criminal just by their acts and their mental health state is not overly examine. Jails and prisons are being overcrowded. State prisons and jails are overpopulated anywhere from 15 to 32% (Spending Money in All the Wrong Places: Jails & Prisons).
A partnership is a business organization where the partners own the business together and are