
Why Overfishing Is Bad

Decent Essays

Most of us love to eat fish, don’t we? Fish is the source of protein and we also know fish comes from ocean. There were full of fishes many decades ago, but it’s not the situation today. Our earth now facing too much complex issues like pollution, climate change and of course overfishing. All of the problems are created by ourselves’ activities.
What is overfishing, there is a definition from Wikipedia: “Overfishing is a form of overexploitation where fish stocks are reduced to below acceptable levels. Overfishing can occur in water bodies of any size, such as ponds, rivers, lakes or oceans, and can result in resource depletion, reduced biological growth rates and low biomass levels.” Obviously, in one word, overfishing is catching …show more content…

We need to end overfishing as soon as possible. Governments should make fishing legally; and the populace should start with little things to protecting our common natural environment.
Overfishing problems
According to the WWF, only 1.6% of the oceans have been protected as Marine Protected Areas, and 90% of these Maine Protected Areas are opening for fishing. These areas are important because they protect the fish species and their habitats.
From World Wildlife Fund (WWF): “More than 85 percent of the world's fisheries have been pushed to or beyond their biological limits and are in need of strict management plans to restore them.” Many of important fish species have been caught and the populations decreased to a very low point where they are almost threatened.
Recently, the population of Bluefin Tuna has been decreased to a seriously low level. Based on an article from IUCN, all of the scientific advice agreeing on the need for a violent reduction of fishing levels, and an abandon of fishing during the fishes’ spawning season to allow reproducing. (Simard, Nov., …show more content…

The increasing humans need for fishes stimulate fishing committees go fishing more frequently and crazily.
Also, illegally fishing transactions from black markets are big problems for overfishing because of the attractive profits.
Why do we need to end overfishing?
In recent years, the increasing humans needs make fish catching more frequently; technology, better fishing equipment make fishing easier and faster. Many fishing industries have the best equipment, vessels, and technology that make sure that they are able to fishing deep into the oceans. They can stay on the oceans for weeks and months to fishing. Experts believe that the equipment from all over the world is enough to catching fish on 4 earth-size planets.
There are some impacts of overfishing:
First, non-sustainable practice destroys the marine environments, and disrupts the entire food chains in the oceans. It will impact all the living life in the chains.
Second, Sustainable fishing can make sure that people’s livelihoods are protected and the fishing business is sustained. But overfishing does not guarantee that, and soon, the fishing business will go breaking and people will be out of

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