Throughout the years parents all over have asked themselves the same questions over and over again. Why is my kid misbehaving? How did my kid end up following the wrong path? And although there are many reasons why a student may misbehave in school, there are some facts out there that can prevent one from being a victim of bad behavior. For example, causes may vary from things such as ones financial situation, to things such as being surrounded with the wrong type of people. Whatever it may be, the conclusion is that although students tend to misbehave, those individuals can be held to blame, but it’s not always themselves alone that are to be blamed.
One big question that parents ask themselves is, “should I send my child to a private or public school?” and although the answer may be clear to some, many still have a hard time deciding where to send their kids. To start off with, the reason why people have second thoughts about sending kids to public schools is because they are used to hearing negative things about them. However it’s not every public school that negative things are heard of, and yes private schools have their defects. But something that I have personally heard in the past from searching which high school to attend was “sure you hear all the bad stuff going on at this public school, but at least we tell you about them. Over there you have your private school hiding all kinds of stuff from the public, stuff that administrators would hate if word got out
Dr. Debra Koss ( child psychiatrist) believes that in our society today teens and parents face more stress and pressures than ever before. When a student acts up the first thought should not be punishment but what is going wrong in this young one’s life and how can it be helped. In Fund du Lac High School three hundred fifty-eight freshman out of six hundred thirty-two participated in mental health screening and sixty-four percent of the students tested were diagnosed with a mental illness. Many factors are contributing to this bad school environment ranging from overworked students, students ridiculing other students and faculty that genuinely do not care about the students. A teacher, who does not take interest in the students and does not do their best to make sure their students succeed, risks destroying their students confidence. 8,300 students drop out on a average day. These students say they drop because they don't feel safe, they can't keep up, they couldn't attend everyday or they did not have the confidence they would finish the class. Students everyday are either dropping out or hurting themselves because of the events that happen inside these school buildings. Forty percent of parents say children experience the most stress from academics. Chronic stress causes a sense of panic which causes more stress. “Despite whatever is going on -if you are a bit depressed, stressed, or overwhelmed you want to put up this positive
But when a private school and a public school are analyzed side by side they are not much different. At the end of the day, it comes down to reputation and tradition. Most assume a school with a very good reputation and a very strong tradition will correlate to a very strong, academically motivated student body, but things change and many fail to realize how quick a reputation can be built up and or destroyed. School is school, and I truly believe that it doesn't matter where you go,( to an extent) all that matters is what one does with his or her
In the United States, one of the biggest challenges for families is the searching of the best education for their kids. The families that do not have the resources and the money to choose a private school are the ones who have to deal with sending their kids to a public school near them. The fear of this families’ is that because their kids have to go to that specific public schools their kids have to face danger, the are not going to learn
While reading I found a statement where the author says, “little wonder that business majors outnumber liberal-arts majors in the U.S. by two-to-one, and the trend is even more focused programs targeted to niches in the labor market.” I completely agree with that statement, because it takes jobs, businesses of all kinds, and people to keep jobs going and available in this world. When you analyze things even further and put it all on paper, it takes people to be a CPA, a financial broker, a stock broker, to be an accountant, a banker, and an investor or giver to keep the world functioning properly and keep businesses from going under because of financial problems. The author also makes a great statement, “many parents and students don’t realize that even top schools differ greatly in their ability to get students out the door to graduation on time.” I completely agree with that statement as well, because it all depends on how much the student wants to and is willing to learn. I found it interesting when the author compares a private school with a public school, because some people would never take the time to do that. A lot of people think a private school is better education for their children. The author mentions in the passage that one of his colleagues did some very detailed research and found that a private school has a lot more to offer students once they graduate, rather than one a public school does. I will completely agree with that. When I think of a public school, I think of very good education. “An expensive, private school may end up cheaper if a student doesn’t have to be there as long.” I find this statement very true, because when reading about private schools they are a lot stricter on their education and how they do things. Private schools don’t want students
Since the establishment of public education in the United States, schools have provided a sense of security and belonging to their students. Although sitting through lectures and doing homework may not be the most exciting thing in the world, students will always have a lunch to eat, a roof over their head, and a supportive teacher or counselor that they can talk to. Despite the “safe” environment and presence of authoritative figures on school campuses, trouble always finds a way to break out. Simple misbehaving and occasional fights are a common occurrence on most school campuses, however a new breed of troublesome and violent students has hatched. The
This is an essay aimed at anyone concerned with making a tough decision for a child, or even more generally just a hard decision. This is something everyone can relate to at some point in their lives. He assumes most people like him have a bias for public school because of what all they can offer in terms of variety, and then goes directly against that bias to send his own child to country school.
The direct opposite of private schools is public schools that are free. These are generally poorly constructed and in lower income neighborhoods. These schools lack many of important structures to aid students in their academics, and even in most cases, they have less qualified people as instructors. Public schools are run by the government or its agency to my understanding. If that is the case, we are all witnesses to budget cuts that often go on in most countries including the United States. Such economic problems will eventually affect the public school system more than a private one due to private schools being managed by private agents who have many outside sources to fund the school. This is unlike the public ones which are managed by the government where anything negative that comes up due to its finances effects every learning institution in the end due to its dependence on the government for its funding. Comparing this to Kozol’s article, we can tell that Fremont High School is a Public School located in a lower income neighborhood.
In the United States, getting an education is very important. Children spend thirteen years of their life learning English, history, math, science, and various other subjects so that they may one day be a productive college student or a working class citizen. In fact, “There are 33,619 private schools in the United States, serving 5.4 million PK-12 students. Private schools account for 25 percent of the nation’s schools and enroll 10 percent of all PK-12 students” (“Council for American Private Education”). Parents face many issues when deciding which school is right for their child. However, the factors that determine their choice of a private or public school are often the results of various essentials that closely mirror the parent’s ideology in regards to education. Parents should send their children to a private school because private schools have smaller class sizes, the curriculum is more challenging, and the school environment is much safer than public schools.
The issue of whether private education is better than public has been debated for many years. Strong advocates of public education feel that children grow and progress better in a mixed environment. Although most private educational institutions do not harbor racial discrimination or discrimination against sexes, they do not have certain classifications that may not suit the masses. For example, a large number of private schools are religious based. Additionally, private school education is not paid for by the state, thus children who attend these facilities generally come from a financially stable background. The danger in this environment is that student
Attention Getter: According to NCES data, 88 percent of private high school students apply to college, compared to 57 percent of public high school students. Every day parents contemplate whether to send their children to private or public school. There are many dangers that come with public school like exposure to drugs, alcohol, bullying, and violence. Private school promotes, honor towards authority, an outstanding scholastic standpoint, and an overall professional boost for college. (
A good education is an essential part of a child’s development. Today, parents have a choice in their child’s education and can evaluate both public and private schools. Although both public and private schools provide education and opportunities for students, parents should evaluate the differences and choose the option that best suits their child and families’ needs. In this paper, I will compare and contrast five major areas that relate to public and private schools including class size, cost, curriculum, services, and teachers.
Many struggling parents wish they could send their children to private schools essentially from kindergarten through the twelfth grade. And so my question is: What is the real worth of a private education? According to a statement from the U.S. Department of Education posted by College Smart, private school students generally perform higher than their public school counterparts on standardized achievement tests. As a product of public elementary and high school education, I am currently seeing some of the struggles that public school students face after high school graduation when they enter college. I realize now that, behind the high tuition costs, private schools provide caring, challenges, and
There are different types of education that a student may receive in today’s society. The choices are narrowed down into two main categories, public and private school. Many people in today’s society believe it’s better to send their children to private schools rather than public schools. To most parents deciding which school system will be better is based on curriculum, class size, and most of all cost. It’s not an easy choice for parents to decide, but many parents feel their child is worth receiving the best education offered.
Introductory Paragraph: Typically when students are in elementary and middle school, parents tend to be involved: attending parent-teacher conferences, sitting them down for homework before they go outside to play, and punishing them when they get a bad report from their teacher at the end of the school day. However, when students transition to high school, parents tend to be less involved, but still expect the same outcome: As and Bs. Generally when students do not meet the expectations, parents punish the child by taking away privileges and/or possessions and students are left alone to accomplish the same expectation for next time. After a parent receives a bad report card from their high school student, they should investigate the root of the problem, identify solutions to prevent another bad report card, and monitor the student’s progress.
There are many decisions for parents to choose private or public school for their kids. Every parent wants what is best for his or her child. A person's education is one of the most important aspects in determining whether they will become a productive member of society. Education is so important. We need to look at both public and private schools to find out if there is a difference. Private schools are a better choice than public school for many reasons. Private encourages strong quality teaching, encourages higher education learning, and inhibit the rampant of bullying.