
The View that Schools and What Happens Within Them are the Main Causes of Social Class Difference in Educational Achievement

Decent Essays

The View that Schools and What Happens Within Them are the Main Causes of Social Class Difference in Educational Achievement

* The reproduction of Social Class inequalities is the idea that working-class children don’t succeed as well as middle-class children in education and do not possess the cultural capital required.


* Financial Factors – Some parents may earn more money than others so they can afford to choose which school the child goes to.

* Social Class – If a parent was more Middle-Class, they would have more involvement in the Childs education and would want them to succeed better.


* Create a more skilled Workforce – Schooling …show more content…

These were set up to provide one type of school for all students. There were no entry requirements however people were placed in sets based on ability.

(f) Assess the view that schools and what takes place within them are the main causes of social class difference in educational achievement.

The above question is telling us that school and the education system are what cause social class. Social class is where people have similar positions usually measures by education, occupation and income. In my essay will include sociological evidence and theories exploring if social class is due to schools and what goes on in them.

The first piece of evidence we can use to support the above statement is a Marxist point of view about education. Bowles and Gintis (71) argue that meritocracy (your social position is based on your effort and ability) is a myth. He believes that the educational system works against the interests of the working class. Their correspondence theory they argued that there were a correspondence between the social relationships at school to the social relationships at work. An example of this is schools and work reward on external principals. In school you get rewarded with certificates, while in work you are paid a wage. This relates to the question because it shows that

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