
The Steps Necessary to Become a Better Person

Decent Essays

The first step I am going to reflect on is competence. This is what my nephew had to say, he felt I could evaluate any situation and come up with a solution, I am comfortable asking for help when needed, and takes step by step approach’s to any situation. I feel comfortable with his analysis when it comes to family and how I am at home. It is when I leave my comfort zone I feel I could improve upon my competence. I lose confidence when making decisions at work. It is just easier asking for help. Another important part is mindfulness. This area Johnathan and I agreed, I always consider other people’s feelings and how decisions may affect them. I have always taken the approach, think before you act. You never know what decision you make can hurt someone’s feelings. Another component is emotional intelligence. My nephew feels that I leave my emotions at the door when making tough decisions, take people’s feelings into consideration, and supportive of someone’s emotional need. I find that he knows me pretty well. If I was to work on anything it would be to control my own emotions better. I take things to heart so the door is left wide open.
The last part is ethics and we both totally agree that ethics is a key part of my life and it reflects a great deal on the type of person I strive to be. The results of the assessment test I took states I am average. I am fairly comfortable in dealing with social or emotional conflicts. The results of the test were pretty accurate and

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