
The Life of Slaves

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Until recently, the historical and sociological focus on slavery had been limited to that of what the slaveholders did to the slaves and how they were treated. The new focus on “what enslaved men, women, and children did when the owners were not around,” (Schwartz 2001: pg 2) offers a new perspective on the community most affected by the institution of slavery. Having a more complete view of this institution provides greater context for understanding the ripple-affect of oppression within the African American community from the past into the present and future.
To slaveholders, “Masters and mistresses considered the slave’s most important relationship to be that maintained with an owner.” (Schwartz 2001: pg 2) No legal rights to their children and prohibited from forming legal marriages, slaves were nothing more than property. Being re-named by their owners to take on their surname was only the beginning of the manipulation into the slave’s loss of personal identity. Housing slaves in a cluster of shacks beyond the view of any guest who may visit the homes of slaveholders, was seemingly the best way for slaves to be quartered. Slaves would not have access to the comfort and amenities one would expect from living in the main house, owners could prevent slaves from stealing from their home during the night by simply keeping them locked out, and they presumably would not be inconvenienced by their appearance. Though the conditions were often dilapidated, baron, and

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