
The Controversy Surrounding Oral Contraception

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The combined oral contraceptive pill was invented in the 1950s. During the first ten years of its existence it remained a purchasable method of contraception. This was until the 1960s as the Ministry of Health then permitted doctors to prescribe the drug if they sought necessary courtesy of the National Health Service. From then, the popularity of the pill had risen tremendously and by the late 1960s over 15% of married British women were using the pill. Its rapid popularity was not restricted to the United Kingdom as at the same time 2% of the female population worldwide relied on the pill as birth control. These figures continued to rise, and after the 1970s the pill in Britain became a dominant method of contraception (Marks, V, L, …show more content…

Although it was eventually embraced by all classes, a trend where the majority of lower class women took the pill failed to arise. It became acceptable and popular for all genres of women; such a reaction was unanticipated. Media exposure imposed expectations and hopes onto the public which failed to reflect reality. When such expectations were not met doubts were inflicted onto the pill and questions concerning its uselessness were raised spurring further debate and controversy.

During the growth of the pill's popularity, the ideology of a woman was one devoted to her husband and children. The pill offered women freedom and independence. Women could build careers and focus on things other than families, which challenged this ideology created by the media. As more women took the pill, fewer women did what society expected of them. Women were seen as rebelling against traditional norms and values. Anxieties grew because the nature of women was changing, and its effects were unknown. Controversy stemmed from this because the illustration of women through the media was not matching reality and the pill was pinned as the cause. The media had yet again created expectations of women, and the growth of the pill led to the increasing of such expectations failing to be met. One particular expectation of women was a commitment to their romantic partners. A major topic of the controversy regarding the contraceptive pill is concerned with the idea that it

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