
The Classroom, Stereotypes About Mathematics Abound

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In the classroom, stereotypes about mathematics abound. “Boys are better at math than girls” or “most people are not that good at math; therefore it is no big deal if I am not” are just a few of the common attitudes that teachers must be aware of and combat as to not allow them to become self-fulfilling prophecies for their students. BLA BLA BLA THIS IS INTRO HERE
Mathematical Foundations
It is imperative that learners have a rich understanding of numerical concepts. Many of the later math disciplines and skills that students will encounter are going to require knowledge and application of basic numeracy skills. Merely following steps in a process (e.g. multiplying fractions) or using an algorithm without knowing what is happening to the numbers, will leave the student void of true understanding and in turn, inhibit the path of learning. For example, imagine a scenario where a student who was never able to understand primary concepts related to prime and composite numbers finds him or herself in a classroom years later that requires factoring trinomials. Teachers may never be able to make math easy for their students, but they can support students in a way that enables them to be successful by ensuring they teach it in a way that promotes genuine understanding and knowledge of numerical content.
Early learners need to recognize that numbers represent a quantity and mean something. It is folly to assume that a student who can orally pronounce number names or

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