
The Antagonist In Anvil Is The Antagonist

Decent Essays

Anvil Is The Antagonist

Clayton’s story is a story about two boys who have a disagreement that escalated terribly. In Clayton’s story several characters in the story could be antagonists. Tucker could be the antagonist because he gets mad at Anvil for eating his apples and tries to kill Anvil. Anvil’s dad could be considered an antagonist because he abuses Anvil and is never home to support Anvil. However Anvil is the overall antagonist, Anvil causes the overall conflict because he purposely antagonises Tucker. Anvil’s dad is mean to Anvil the trait of being mean rubbed off on Anvil. Anvil always tries to make Tucker mad so Tucker will try to fight him and Anvil knows that he will always win because Tucker is smaller.
Tucker is not the antagonist because Tucker is kind to Anvil, Tucker tries to make Anvil happier by saying “ They dont hate you.” Tucker actually gives Anvil a chance to finally be friends with someone. Tucker is extremely kind to Anvil at times and Tucker sees something in Anvil that no other person does. Although nobody else likes Anvil because he is mean and abusive just like his father Tucker tries to be friends with him. Those are some logical reasons why Tucker is not the antagonist in Clayton Bell’s story.
Anvil’s dad is never there for Anvil and he is very abusive and mean to him for example, in the story Tucker …show more content…

That is how Tucker feels, Tucker knows if he tries to tell Anvil to stop bullying him he won't stop. Additionally, Tucker doesn't even do anything to Anvil to make him feel negatively towards him. Anvil just takes out all of his anger on Tucker, he basically uses Tucker as a punching bag to get all of his anger out. Tucker knows that if he stands up for himself that he will make matters worse for himself. These are all examples supporting why I think Anvil is the antagonist is Clayton Bell’s story The White

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