
Essay Task 1

Decent Essays

Throughout the entirety of Task 1 I faced many challenges and I was also gifted with many positives. One of the first few things that went quite well for me was that when I was put into my group most of us had already worked together prior to this task. Also being that we had already worked together we knew what we were interested in, so this made choosing our topic rather easy. Then we decided which lense we would each be tackling this process went almost just as easily however we did have to do some preliminary research prior to setting our lenses in stone. This was because we wanted to make sure that when we did each choose our lense that we did not in any way overlap each other's information in what we were planning to discuss. So then …show more content…

It started with the bulk of our research which was mainly going through information on our topic and finding support for the points we wanted to discuss within our paper. Then we created our group outline we found this to quite easy as well as it was easy to divide up the work of doing so by each focusing on our own lens then bring it together to work it all together, we also at this point discussed and formulated our introduction and conclusion. Next we began to go from the process of going from the outline to our actual paper. We did this by creating our each own section then putting them together, however since we had already worked on making sure the segments would flow together well in the outlining process we did not come across many problems. While we had each individually put together the main detail sections of our paper, we also put together our introduction, conclusion and solution segments of our group paper together. For the introduction segment of the paper we had a bit of disagreement about a word choice however we eventually settled it over conversation and overcame it. After we had finished our first draft of our group paper we let another group of peers that were in our class look over our paper to make sure we had not gotten caught up in any biases or if we were overlooking and major paper structure flaws. After small critiquing from the other group and looking over …show more content…

We mainly did so by first discussing what we were each going to be discussing in our segment of the presentation and made sure that each of our segments directly related to the topic. After our discussion we began to formulate slides for each of our segments taking information and research from our papers and putting it into a bulleted form that would be easy to read on each slide. We also made sure to include images to keep our presentation interesting and captivating while also getting our point across. After we had finished our presentation and were satisfied with the information we checked it over for formatting mistakes as well as grammatical errors. Then on the morning before our presentation we ran through our presentation multiple times sorting out and issues that could make the presentation seem poor. We then delivered our presentation and completed the entirety Task

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