
Sustainable Development : The Engineering Context

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Jay Kelkar
MSc Advanced Manufacturing Engineering and Management


Sustainable Development: The Engineering Context

Individual Coursework


The world is seeing the fastest growing consumer market till date with manufacturers introducing products to generate brand new markets. The consumption of resources has been on the rise and there exists tremendous potential for the recovery of materials and the products as a whole, for resale. The depth of product and material recovery has increased due to technological advancements. Government legislation is demanding manufacturers to go “greener” by reuse, reduce and recycling. Consumers too, have become aware of the ever-increasing use of resources and are opting for products from “Green” manufacturers as compared to others. This has resulted in new Business opportunities in the field of Remanufacturing and the number of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) has been on the rise.

What is Remanufacturing?
“Remanufacturing is recovering the product as a whole through a series of operations, which may include disassembly, replacing or repairing non–functional components, reconditioning, and reassembling” (Fleischmann et al., 1997). Remanufacturing includes the disassembly of product into various components, reconditioning them into like new condition, and assembling them to produce a brand new product at a fraction of the production cost. Reconditioning includes

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