
Student Loan Debt Forgiveness : Stimulus For The Economy

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Student Loan Debt Forgiveness: Stimulus for the Economy Alan Collinge did not mean to become the poster child for student loan debt injustice. He was an average American with an average American 's plan: get a student loan, go to school, get a good job, pay off student loan, get married, get house with white picket fence, have kids and grandkids, and die happy. After attaining three degrees in aerospace engineering, Collinge was left with a debt of approximately $50,000. He went to work at Caltech in 1998, and made a poor to middling salary of $35,000 a year. And, he began to repay his student loans. One day, Collinge realized he was going to be short a payment, called the bank to let them know, and was assured that everything was going to be fine. He continued his payments the next month, only now he was receiving statements that every payment he made after that one shorted payment had a late charge attached to it. When Collinge called to have the error rectified, he found out that 1) he did not have a federal student loan, but a loan through a for-profit company and, 2) the company was not going to remove the late charges. This was the tip of a very large iceberg that was about to sink Collinge 's life plan, and the beginning of a story that is all too common among American college graduates, especially since 9/11. It turns out, debt is big business, and corporations have former students by the purse strings. Student debt totals more than $1 trillion in the United

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