
Student Learning Philosophy

Decent Essays

Educators are always looking for ways to help students learn. Students do not all learn the same, there are four primary learning styles visual, auditory, kinesthetic (hands-on) and read-write. More ways a student’s experience information, the more like the student are to retain it. Different media activate different areas of the mind, and students recall things more quickly and retain information better when multiple parts of the brain are working together. Students working groups are more productive, creative, and motivate individuals on their own. The whiteboard can be used activate different areas of the of the mind, and incorporate the primary learning styles, and have students working together.
When I think of a classroom my mind conjures up an image of a blackboard with …show more content…

Visual leaners can see; auditory hear; kinetic learners hands and read and write learners can read and write the information. Student working together is an added benefit.
What are the benefits of group work? Students working in groups are more productive, creative and motivated individuals on their own. Second students learn from each other. Third educators benefit it allows them to work with small groups rather than the class as a whole. Instructional video Has been used in class room for decade
The national teachers training Institute reports the teachers who use video report that their students retain more information, understand concepts rapidly and are more enthusiastic about what they are learning reaching students with a variety of learning styles specially visual learners. If students were given a choose to read or watch a movie on a history event or Shakespeare play, or Mark Twain novel, they would chose the

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