This report has been prepared towards the completion of the Organizational Behavior Case Study 1. The report is an evaluation of the organization structure implemented in Sony when Howard Stringer joined as CEO in October 2005. The transition Stringer made of Sony’s organization structure was from Transnational structural to a multidivisional structure. Hence, this transition has been analyzed in detail. In conclusion, it can be seen that the stock share value has increased during 2005-2007, which means that Howard Stringer, both externally and internally, implemented the organizational structural change to everyone’s full satisfaction.
Brief information about Sony
Sony is a leading manufacturer of audio, video,
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* Divisions might grow too large (as mentioned before each division has actually become its own company like the Sony Electronics Inc. or the Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc. and there was a risk of them growing too large, where competition would occur instead of a co-operation). * As CEO, Stringer recalled in a 2005 New Yorker article, the engineers started to suffer from a damaging “not invented here syndrome,” even as rivals were introducing next-generation products such as the Xbox and iPod. As a result of their belief that outside ideas were not as good as inside ones, they missed opportunities in such areas as MP3 players and flat-screen TVs and developed unwanted products—cameras that weren’t compatible with the most popular forms of memory, for instance.
Looking at the above possible risks and benefits we can see that while there were a lot of risks in the structural change, Stringer needed to make a decision and he made this decision with the help of other associates in the company and he also took help from people who were made in charge of changing the IBM structure many years back. They were successful in doing the change and since Stringer was declared President of Sony Global, we can conclude that he is still
Sony Corporation is a Japanese owned company, created in 1946 based in Tokyo, Japan. The company competes in the technology market with diversity. This includes video games, computers and computer hardware, television, media players, etc. With that being said, Sony has had their ups and downs over the past few years, just like everyone else in this industry. Things such as the U.S. economy can really affect the future of this company. Now that the economy is on the downfall, things such as entertainment are not as important as paying for food, gas, and other bills. It is important to realize these things as you analyze the company due to the fact that the company
Another example of a company that has been successful in creating disruptive technology is Apple. At around the same time that Nintendo was creating its place in the market, Sony came around with a series of portable music devices such as the “Walkman” and the portable CD player. Soon after, Apple introduced the Ipod which is more compact than either of Sony’s products. The Ipod also allowed for more
It is very clear that it takes more than great ideas in order to stay on top in the technology arena. Competition is never ending and sometimes a company can spend more time keeping the competition away then improving on their vision. The videos “Browser Wars” and “Search” conveyed that as young upstart companies worked to get their ideas out into the marketplace.
AT& T is the largest communications company in the world. The company is the leading U.S. provider of wireless, high speed Internet access, local and long distance voice, and directory publishing and advertising services. They have even expanded to include entertainment with television services called UVERSE TV. With the many accomplishments of this media giant its portrayal of evidenced practice of some successful organizational behavior concepts reveal clear understanding of leadership. AT & T has proven success through effective organizational behaviors that include focusing on organizational structure, organizational culture and communication.
A structure depends on the organization 's objectives and strategy. In a very centralized structure, the highest layer of management has most of the choice creating power and has tight management over departments and divisions. In a much suburbanized structure, the choice creating power is distributed and also the departments and divisions could have totally different degrees of independence. Wal-mart’s structure is built upon its risk management, safety and claims management process. Google Inc. has gained much attention and acclaim for its unusual organizational culture, which is designed to establish loyalty and creativity. Although both Google and Wal-mart focuses on risk management and they specialized on two different factors. Google focus more on creativity, loyalty and keeping its employees happy. Wal-mart tends to help customers by saving money, claims and promoting within the company.
AT& T is the largest communications company in the world. The company is the leading U.S. provider of wireless, high speed Internet access, local and long distance voice, and directory publishing and advertising services. They have even expanded to include entertainment with television services called UVERSE TV. With the many accomplishments of this media giant its portrayal of evidenced practice of some successful organizational behavior concepts reveal clear understanding of leadership. AT & T has proven success through effective organizational behaviors that include focusing on organizational structure, organizational culture and communication.
A discussion and analysis of the organizational behavior similarities and differences between American telecommunications giants Verizon Communications, Inc. and AT&T, Inc. requires a system of uniform elements in order to offset the differences. Both these companies have evolved through mergers and acquisitions as well as both have experienced major reorganizations. Both the companies have product offerings which are similar in the areas of wireless and wireline telephone service. Focusing on motivation, communication, power bases, and culture offers insight into the complexities of organizational behavior within Verizon and AT&T, and demonstrates the resulting differences in culture despite the common industry and the similarities in structural design.
Their current organizational culture is establishing a leadership that leads to shareholder value. The (LSV) is the key lever for Verizon’s culture change. This illustrates on having a goal to increase shareholder value and the Individual Action Plan (IAP) just as well as the sales force being evaluated on more than one metrics over some time (Kinicki & Williams, 2013, p. 258). In extinction, by forcing the organizational systems and procedures, it also caused a change in Verizon’s corporate culture. Mentioning before the senior leaders submit (IAP), has well-established a system in which it put a place of procedure that it can complete the organization goal to increase shareholder value and accomplish a performance criterion, in which it can hold the senior leader accountable (Kinicki & Williams, 2013). Additionally, the corporate goal to make more subject matter experts is a great example of implementing an organizational structure with the intent of achieving the corporate goal (Kinicki & Williams, 2013). Verizon’s goal of this leading for shareholder value can be rewarding for its
Back in 2002, Sony geared themselves toward a vertical strategy as reported by Rob Weisenthal, VP and CFO of Sony Corp. of America, “Under the USA umbrella, we undertook a number of vertical initiatives for each operating division. These have already produced significant operational streamlining and financial performance improvements.” As discussed in his release, Weisenthal talked about Sony Pictures Entertainment and their strategy to restructure television operations, where core programming competencies were focused on. Film and television digitalization efforts have been expanded and have engineered a significant reduction in their corporate overhead. In addition, he mentionted that Sony Music has made long
Organizational Hierarchy Structure- Toys R Us was a decentralized organization, which had a leadership type setting from country to country. This type of structure was difficult because all the leaders from different countries were not communicating effectively. The company knew they had to make some changes to the system, if they wanted to be successful. Therefore, after careful consideration, the company decided to move to a more centralized structure. This change was needed to strengthen their business with regards to their compatibility amongst countries and creating a more efficient workplace in the United States and abroad. In the company’s business in Europe, instead of their being different leaders across the continent, there will
When it comes to business as any organizations it requires a structure, based on the resources and demands organization can changed or modify their structure. The most common two structures are vertical and horizontal structure which we see every business organization in global market (Bateman & Snell, 2011). In today’s any business organization theirs and important trait is not only the structure, it is the functions within the organization. An organizing function in management highlights the practices individuals use to interact and work with each other. There are many business organizations that are very successful in their own
Sony must reposition its “growth driven” and “stable profit generator” sectors in their markets to increase its audience, achieve sales growth, profit expansion and maximization, and capture market shares.
Apple has always been something of a trendsetter in the tech space. Its product history since Steve Jobs’s return in 1997 gives us a solid list of examples to choose from, from its very first iPod, to Apple’s PowerBook (and later MacBook) lines, to the iPhone and the iPad. Apple’s history is dominated by products that existed before Apple had a crack at them - but it was Apple who simplified them, made them appealing on a much wider scale, and ultimately made them objects of desire for the masses.
“It’s a Sony!” Sony is one of today’s leading brand in electronics, from personal to home entertainment audio and video system, communications gadget, broadcasting and other professional electronic devices, personal computer, digital camera, to robots. Sony Corporation is a Japanese electronics giant, and has now evolved into a multinational company. This essay brings to light Sony Corporation’s organizational culture and structure. Also, it is going to analyze the extent in which organizational culture and structure impede or contribute to the effectiveness of the organization. The following paragraph shows a brief history of the work organization.
It’s not news that Sony is a global company or that (25%) of all Play Station profits’ for the past seven years came from Sony to Japan. After all that’s what international marketing and the global economy are all about, companies like Sega, Nintendo, Microsoft, X-Box doing business around the world. The global economy now reaches every corner of the United States. Current interest in international marketing can be explained by changing competitive structures coupled with shifts in demand characteristics in markets throughout the world. With the increasing globalization of markets, companies find they are unavoidably enmeshed with foreign customers, competitors and suppliers. A significant portion of all products made in the United