
Social Media Strategic Plan

Decent Essays

2016 Social Media Strategic Plan
This plan includes the tactical objectives to be used to accomplish the primary social media goals identified by Rose Wheeler on behalf of FeelShare.
Clarify your business’ social media goals
Audit your current social media status
Create or improve your social media profiles
Develop your content strategy
Use analytics to track progress and adjust your strategy as needed

Step 1: Clarify Your Business’ Social Media Goals
All business planning should start with defining clear goals, and social media is no exception.

FeelShare’s Business Social Media Goals Are:
To create buzz before we launch and create awareness about our product concept/ the feelshare community /offered value proposition/exclusivity.
To target …show more content…

Your content strategy should include:
Tools: Define what platforms you would use to manage your social media. It could be Buffer, HootSuite or any tool that you feel comfortable using.
Creation of content calendars. You need one for social media content to organize and plan social media copy. Thinking about blogging? You should create an editorial calendar to plan blog content. If you’re doing a newsletter, then an email newsletter content calendar needs to be created. All three need to be updated weekly, so that the content is fresh. Plan how often your will post on social media, the blog and the newsletter, but also the times to create all of this content.
Content creation: What type(s) of content you intend to post and promote via social media. For example: Blog posts, brand content, curated content to share, post playlists of the day, ask questions such as “favorite song of the day,” and share new releases, collaborations, songs, and content that goes with the news of the day or breaking news. Keeping these ideas on a calendar like I mentioned above makes the content creation process much …show more content…

Set new goals for the next quarter. Write down 3 things you would do to change your current social media strategy to meet your new goals.

Step 6: Bonus Ideas These are additional strategies to make the plan above a success.
Reach out to music blogs/publications, music influencers and indie musicians to get features, test your product and for possible partnerships. I suggest making a list, track their info and track the responses. Do this weekly.
Brainstorming other possible places to get featured and develop partnerships.
Let key influencers into your beta and explore the app, so that they can write a feature about it.
Guest blog in sites where your target market hangouts.
Be ready for press features. Most journalists are pressured by deadlines to have new content out and because of that, they don’t have time to spend following up leads or trying to find more information on stories that are sent in.To make sure you have the best chance of getting your story published, you’ll want to make sure you have everything a journalist will need in your PR kit. A good PR kit consists of: A summary of your product, press release, screenshots, design assets (logos & icons), videos, and founders bios and

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