
Scarlet Letter Title Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Significance of Title: The title signifies the scarlet letter on Hester's bodice represents that she committed sin (adultery)

Significant Author facts (style, themes): Nathaniel Hawthorne displayed his similarity with the narrator, they may have different opinions but the readers can imagine Hawthorne as the narrator.

Major theme: the book mainly focuses on what people’s sins can lead to. Sin is sin, it does not matter what an individual did they will be punished either way. The people in Salem believed that once you sin you are terrible person. At the end, Dimmesdale taught the people that people commit sins whoever you are.

Minor themes: Chillingworth's character is surrounded with vengeance. Revenge is his motivation to live. The way Hawthorne displays women …show more content…

Also, the narrator voices its opinion about the characters.

3 sentence plot summary: Hester cheated on her husband therefore labeled as an adulteress and also criticized by the public. People are curious who is the father of her child and it turns out it was the priest, who is consumed by guilt. Her husband, Chillingworth, just wanted revenge on Hester and Dimmesdale.

Symbols (1-3 and how they are used): the scarlet letter (it symbolizes the sin of adultery and Hester’s punishment. It is suppose to make Hester feel like the worse person, but Hester manage to make it work for her and some people even changed the meaning of the letter to “Able” at some point.), pearl(she represents the consequence of sin and Hester named Pearl through some biblical story) , the meteor(it is some supernatural warning maybe from God towards Dimmesdale about his sin)

3 quotes: “If thou feelest it to be for thy soul's peace, and that thy earthly punishment will thereby be made more effectual to salvation, I charge thee to speak out the name of thy fellow-sinner and

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