
Routine Cost Report

Satisfactory Essays
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Brighton School of Business and Management Limited

Assignment Session: 2012- 2013 Edexcel BTEC Level 5 Diploma in Supply Chain Management Unit 6 Assignment: Management Accounting: Costing and Budgeting Assignment Introduction In this assignment you will consider cost information both current and future. Cost data will be collected, compiled and analysed, and will be processed into information of use to management. You will also deal with budgetary planning and control, forecasts and budgets. Learning outcomes On successful completion of this assignment you will be able to: 1 Collect and analyse cost information within a business 2 Propose methods to reduce costs and enhance value within a business 3 Prepare forecasts and budgets for a …show more content…

Submit the final version of your assignment and assignment front sheet, by the set submission date via Moodle. The basis for assessor grading decisions is explained below.

Brighton School of Business and Management Limited

Brighton School of Business and Management Limited

Guidance on Grade Awarded The final Unit grade assessment is based on how well you have met the Assignment Criteria / Task Requirements: we look primarily for evidence that you have followed the Assignment “instructions” and have responded to the Assignment in a way that meets the specific outcomes / requirements / criteria. We also look at the depth and breadth of your work: where we look for evidence of supplementary reading and research, appropriate examples, some “original” thought, a professional standard of layout, structure, and overall presentation in order to come to a decision about the actual grade. Below is an overview of the guidelines that our Assessors work to: Grade Descriptors Pass All identified criteria in the assignment are met Merit Satisfied the identified Assignment criteria, plus the content confirms that the student has:          Shown evidence of a sound understanding of the subject matter; Given a broad and detailed response to the assignment tasks and criteria; Shown evidence of careful analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of

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