
Romeo And Juliet Exploratory Setting

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1. INTRODUCTION- Throughout grade school most novels are “cookie cutter,” with a typical protagonist and an antagonist who opposes the views of the main character. The antagonist makes choices to get in the way of this opposition, ultimately failing and the story ending happily. However, as a 10th grade classroom with average; a tragedy can be challenging yet enjoyable. In order to understand why stories have a particular ending, students must analyze characters and why they make decisions. In a tragedy, there may be more than one character that shares opposing views from others. By collaborating as a group using a drama map to outline the characters, conflict, resolution, and setting of the story; students will find they can change the ending …show more content…

Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with multiple or conflicting motivations) develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme.

4. Anticipatory Set - “Romeo and Juliet ended tragically because the main characters had conflicts with each other. “Much like life the choices we make have an effect on our outcomes. For instance, if you decide to do well on this assignment you will have a good grade if you decide to go to sleep while your peers work together than you will have a bad grade. Therefore, the same applies to the characters in this novel; their decisions have outcomes. Think about all of the bad decisions the characters made throughout the play.

5. Learning Outcome/Purpose A tragedy is a type of drama that presents a serious matter involving human suffering or unfortunate events. In a tragedy there are two types of conflict; external and internal. Today we will focus on external conflict which is between a character and an outside source and there are five kinds. Today we are going to talk about how the conflicts that arise in Romeo and Juliet and discuss what kinds they are. Then for homework, you are going to apply what you learned to the novel Wuthering Heights on a graphic

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